March 28, 2025

VIDEO: 3 Ways to Make a Hotter Compost Pile

Today I will be sharing with you 3 ways to make your compost pile warmer for a faster rate of decomposition. Compost is high in nutrients due to recycling dead waste into a rich and airy textured growing amendment which improves soil fertility.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Ways to Make a Hotter Compost Pile

  1. Greetings from America- Mississippi………You are the only fellow who offers me great and correct information.   Just wanted to say thank you!!!  Tomorrow I'm going to try to build myself a compost pile….I've just completed a PVC greenhouse and need tons of soil for it….So, wish me luck!   Again, Thank You for such useable information.  You never make it complicated!!!!!

  2. Is the two to one ratio of brown to green by weight?
    What is the best mix of leaves to coffee grounds?
    At what temperature should I turn my compost pile to reactivate it?
    I have 60 bags of leaves from my neighbors stacked up in my back yard. I'm collecting used coffee grounds from a local coffee shop in 5 gallon buckets. Each bucket has 40 pounds of coffee grounds. The bags of leaves vary a great deal in weight, anywhere from 5 dry unpacked to 20 pounds of damp packed leaves.
    Several weeks after mixing them into my first ever compost pile that is 4 by 8 feet – made from pallets, it is still 130 degrees in most of the pile.

  3. Hello Huw, I only have a small garden and I am using a plastic compost bin. My compost mix is never hot but is decomposing gradually is this ok? I am turning it about two to three times a week. Thanks in advance – Geraint from North Wales

  4. I'm building Stephen's version for the back garden and Huuw's for the allotment. Different demands, both good designs!

    Great collaboration…

  5. I just did a quick scan of your video titles and did not find one that addressed this topic, so I want to ask about something with a high "ick factor". How do you feel about people using human urine in their compost? I know from fishkeeping that urea from the fish gets broken down into nitrites and nitrates (I may have the sequence reversed). When I pour water from the tanks into plants in and around the house, they really seem to thrive on it. Still, there must be some kind of limit. I don't want my yard/garden to smell like a public toilet, and I suspect my neighbors feel the same way. TYVM.

  6. The Art of composting is properly managing a Microorganism Colony.
    Keep your mixture ratio correct, keep your pike damp and the more you turn
    your pile, the faster it will break down. Turning adds oxygen.
    Your pile will need water added because it vents off gallons of steam every day.

  7. To increase the air flow in the pile I've been using scrap pieces of drainage pipe laid in the compost at various levels with the slits facing down and they're working a treat, they don't fill up with debris and can be reused

  8. You can also recharge a compost pile by watering it with Miracle Grow liquid fertilizer or taking a stick and poking holes from top to bottom and then filing them with coffee grounds, manure or even high nitrogen fertilizer pellets, and yes, even piss…

  9. Hello from Arizona USA. Great video and informative. All your videos are very good. Please keep making more. Much of my garden is with the Ruth Stout method. I'm in a higher elevation and a 7 to 8 hardiness zone. Few similarities to your area, but your information is highly useable. Thanks for taking the time to create your videos.

  10. Good ideas. But to aid in decomp, DON'T add woody material. Especially anything from conifer trees. Not good for composting. As far as turning goes, we have a wood chipper/Shredder and we run the material thru it to chomp it down to finer bits then but it back to a 2nd, final, "cooking" bin.

  11. Oh… thank you very much!! I'm new at composting and have lots of questions!! I have just suscribed to your channel. I have too much to learn. Gracias desde Argentina!

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