March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Get to Know Curtis Stone, The Urban Farmer

Get to know the Urban Farmer Curtis Stone of Green City Acres. Learn the techniques Curtis uses to grow over 50,000 lbs of food per year on less than an acre of land, using 100% natural, organic methods.

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Before Curtis started his urban farm in the fall of 2009, Curtis had absolutely no previous experience in farming or even gardening. Up until 2008, he had been living in Montreal, trying to make a go at being a working musician. It was many years ago, when he heard the old cliche, “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”. That was a turning point for him in that he knew that it was important for us to be active participants in our society, rather than just being by-standers. But it wasn’t until Curtis discovered Permaculture, while searching around on the internet for sustainable building methods, that it opened up a pandora’s box of information and inspiration for him. From there, he knew that he wanted to live in a way that was life affirming, not destructive. He left Montreal in March of 2008 to return to his home town of Kelowna, BC, to try and pursue this kind of life style. It was a bike tour down the west coast from Kelowna to San Diego in fall 2008 where he visited off-grid homesteads, eco villages, and urban farms, that inspired him to try to make a difference through his own actions. Upon returning from the trip totally inspired and ready to do something involved in sustainable ag, but not exactly sure what yet, a friend of his directed him towards SPIN farming. The stars must have aligned at that movement because once Curtis discovered that there was a way to farm that required very little investment, no need to own land or heavy machinery, he was confident that he could do it. He spent the rest of the fall and winter of 2009 studying SPIN farming and various other gardening and farming books, and then decided to go for it. With a little bit of money saved from a 6 month season of tree-planting, he had everything he needed to start a farm. After completing a successful and profitable first season in 2010, Curtis is a case study example that the methods taught in the SPIN farming models, are simple and easily transferable to anyone, including those who have no experience.

Through the off-season, Curtis works as public speaker on food related issues, and is a consultant for multiple community food projects throughout Kelowna. In September 2010 he was awarded ‘gardener of the year’ from the city of Kelowna’s Communities in Bloom.

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15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Get to Know Curtis Stone, The Urban Farmer

  1. cool video, i can definitely relate to you on all levels, even better you are a catan player. 
    I am hoping to start farming by the end of the year. 
    I've been growing in my garden for a year now and and have decided that i want to take it to the next level and to get out of my career in construction.
    I'll be sure to watch all your videos and read as many books as i can before i do it though. ha.

    thanks. Christchurch, New Zealand here.

  2. Great to hear you talk about why you do what you do and what inspires you. I also relate to what you said about the connections you make with people while cycling. I cycled round Europe for two years and it was so life affirming.  I'm in the middle of making a decision about whether to start farming and whether to be rural or urban based. Both appeal. One of the the big obstacles in my mind is how you go from nothing to earning 10,20 or 30k in the first year. How much planning, marketing etc can you do before knowing what you're going to sell? I guess being in a city its easier to find people to buy. Though where I am in rural France there are lots of farmers markets though not sure whether demand is saturated.

  3. Thank you so much Curtis. Been watching your videos since yesterday. I've always wanted to participate in social change in a way that I can feed myself and my family. Urban farming happens to be one of the best way to do that. It touches my heart every time I found someone like you who are social conscious and know what's going on with the world we're living in and trying to make a change. Btw, have you look into aeroponics? Do you think it's good idea to start with this system?

  4. I've been wonder what you eat on a daily basis but doing a search only got me this video. No biggie if you don't have a video, was just wondering.

  5. intersting to have watched many newer videos and then watch this one because you seem to have kept to your vision and goals about life and business. You have great integrity….a rare thing. Thanks for inspiring me and so many others.

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