June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Growing asparagus What you need to know

In this video, we take a look at my asparagus bed from the spring of 2014 to spring of 2015
When to cut asparagus down for winter and what needs to be done to maintain a healthy asparagus fern, asparagus bed.
Grow asparagus from seed is easy
More recommended Videos about Asparagus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Growing asparagus from seed and transplanting https://youtu.be/TK7qkwMzTYQ
Growing Asparagus Seeds as Early 2017 until late 2019 https://youtu.be/bF8kvmIU7dI
Saving Asparagus Seeds https://youtu.be/hpuiS6TInwo

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing asparagus What you need to know

  1. I've got a lot of wild asparagus in my garden, and it is very hard to kill them. They produce the shoot which look exactly like the edible once, but having a bitter taste. their seeds also look the same like edible once. The difference is the shoot is of the size of around a toot pick.

  2. Thank you for these videos. I have about nine plants that are in their fourth year and from the way they produced this year we should have plenty to eat in 2016. I live in MN so will wait until the first snow before I cut them back. I had found them to be very bitter tasting the first year that I harvested and have learned that the soil was to acidic so worked in about a cup of lime around each plant and now the taste is wonderful. Now each Fall I add more lime and mix wood ash from my fireplace with my compost. I thought I would try and grow some from seed so your video on that is most helpful. One question. Do I wait until the seed is dried out or when it is still red?

  3. I liked the way you presented the content. No useless chatter. Lots of videos tell you how to plant and grow but few take you through what to look for as the plant progresses.

  4. Hi, nice video, I've done a raised bed with 20 3 year Crowns, how can I find out when it starts to grow in the South East UK, only its March 29th 2017 and there is still no signs of growth yet…
    Thanks for any help from anyone.

  5. I have one fern in a pot right now going on its 2nd year.. I started it from a crown.. when do I cut it down.. it's over 2ft already… I'm not sure when I cut the fern down the first year and if I did it correctly.. I cut it down after it was dried up.. but I cut it a quarter inch under the soil.. only one fern has came up since. that's the one I got now… what do I do.. when will I get some nice asparagus

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