Hey everyone! I thought I should take another update video to keep you updated with what is growing on and also want to share some announcements at the end. Please take a look at Alan’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqrr45DWEt6Z-sNTSTrLA6A Thanks for watching! Here are some extra links you might want to check out:
Take a look at my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HuwsGardenNursery
Get your questions answered in 15 minutes: http://goo.gl/tkTY0e
Best of luck with the exams Huw. Definitely lay off the videos as this is an important time. Take a break and best of luck.
Good luck on your exams!
Great videos… Just stumbled on your channel. I've subscribed don't panic haha! I remember my GCSEs. I'm 25 now so they were a few years back. But I'm determined to make my veggie patch successful this year as I've just fenced it off from the dog who can be let's say quite digging happy! Potatoes peas and carrots are in! Tomato plants going well inside ready to transplant out in the coming weeks
good luck on your exams! Marc
you're killing me man I just got more snow today and some bareroot fruit trees.good luck with exams and your warm temps.:)
Good luck on your exams my friend! We shall see you on the other side!
Good Luck on your studies. Will be patiently waiting for your next video
Good luck with your exams Huw. I'll look forward to your return.
Love the idea of a farm gate stall.. Not something we could do here but one day maybe
All the best for the exams Hue..
cant wait till you're done with exams and hope you do well
Good luck with your exams Huw!
I would love to have my eggs and veggies for sale at the side of the road, unfortunately, everything would be gone. Makes me think of simpler times. Great video Huw, good luck on exams my friend, Kim
You have achieved a lot in the garden. It's so wonderful to see people buying your vegetables and paying for the goods voluntary. Your videos are a credit to you. Best wishes with your GCSEs Huw. Patrick
Good luck with your upcoming exams!
Yes tack as meany days off for your test
might be too early but good luck in your exams, now off to check out that new channel and tell buddy that I sent you
that garlic looks better then the plant on the left. thanks for sharing.
Good luck Huw with the GCSE exams. My daughter is going throught the same prep right now, so I know how little spare time you have. I should just keep on top of the weeds for the next couple of months LOL!!!!!
See you next time
Good luck with the exams Hue.
Good Luck the exams. u will Ace th n
Best of luck with your exams Huw! We look forward to your return to FB after your important GCSE's are complete. By the way, I love the little stall you have at the end of your drive way.
we will miss the vids, but your future is important at this time in your life. good luck and god speed
Good luck huw. Thus is my first year on my allotment and your vids are very useful…. Good luck with your exams
Good luck Huw!
All the best.
Stumbled onto your channel and wish I had seen it sooner…Sub'd b/c I am totally looking forward to watching the videos. Very impressive. All the best for your exams. Im sure I will be watching your past videos, as I will be trying out some veg planting this time around.
Your videos are very helpful. Our family has just put in our first attempt at a box garden and we appreciate the advice.
Best wishes on your exams, your parents must be very proud of you.
good luck with your exam!
Thank you for your amazing videos! Keep up the good work! Craig (Toronto, Canada)
Nice video Huw!By the way, you really look like the actor who play Captain America!:)
Hope the exams went well, Huw. You can relax a while now!
Good luck with your exams Huw! Hope you ace them!