June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Growing Potatoes in Containers – How to Grow Potatoes in Bags or Pots

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
Growing Potatoes is a hugely satisfying experience and doesn’t require a large portion of your garden for a successful crop.

Potatoes are also fantastic fun to grow with your family especially finding the treasure when they’re ready to harvest.

In this video we explain what’s required to get started growing your own potatoes and demonstrate how to tend your plants to keep them healthy for a bigger, tastier harvest.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Potatoes in Containers – How to Grow Potatoes in Bags or Pots

  1. Fantastic video, I’m so new to growing potatoes, I’m really excited about my new veg garden, I’ve definitely decided on growing most my veggies in containers easier to maintain,,, keep you posted

  2. Thanks for the advice, i have tried spuds this yr, Jacks from seed potatoes, ive topped the crop of 10 up with a mixture of organic farmyard manure, topsoil & potting, they certainly dont grow slow. Also tomatoes, and carrotts. Peace

  3. Right. 4 seed potatoes per bag. I needed that! Only one question left. How many seed potatoes should I expect to get in a 1kg packet? I know it will depend on variety, but a rough idea would be a huge help. I have 5 x 40L bags ready to go (and a few shopping bags if necessary) and just need to order my seed potatoes, but don’t know if I should get 2 packets or 3!

  4. Amazing. These are very informative videos.Have learnt a lot.I planted my seed a fortnight now,in sunny spot after spreading cattle manure.I noted the sprout drying up as we have had temps above 28 degrees celcius here. I just covered planks on them hoping to revive the sprouting! Will this work?

  5. Honestly, your channel is one of the best, no faffing about. I wonder if you could tell me though, if they start flowering and your spuds are still minute, do you just nip off the flowers? Or allow them to continue on? I've also seen elsewhere people putting chicken manure in with the compost. I'm quite amenable to that idea, what's your opinion? @GrowVeg

  6. Hi Ben!
    Would you mind terribly, setting me straight on something, as I am in a state of confusion from conflicting info on various websites?!
    Getting ready to plant potatoes for the first time. I have Yukon Gold seed potatoes and they are chitting away nicely. Going to plant in 1/2 barrel
    sized planters, average 20-22 inches across and 14-16 inches deep. I understand that these are a determinate variety, growing mostly on one level.
    Herein is my confusion: is there any advantage to hilling determinate potatoes? I understand the process and it worked great for the last tomatoes
    I planted, but I just can't figure out how it would benefit Yukon Golds.
    To hill, or not to hill?

  7. Moved from New England, USA to the southern part and having trouble growing as it gets very hot early in the season and the soil is not great. Tomato's, potato's, string beans etc up north no problem, down here low yields. Watched this and I'm getting some bags to try potato's and other stuff so I can use better soil and move the bags in and out of the sun. Thanks!

  8. I have been growing potatoes in bags for about 2 years. I have harvested Dutch Creams, Royal Blues and currently have Russet Burbanks and White Star varieties. One thing I didn't do which you have suggested is to give them some liquid fertiliser. I was disappointed with my Royal Blue harvest so I hope this give me better harvests in the future.

  9. No to the hilling that you did. Just plant them on soil that is about 50cm deep and cover them with another 10cm. The roots will grow down and so will the potatoes

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