June 12, 2024

VIDEO: Time To Transplant Some Seedlings & How I Do It

Today we are transplanting some seedlings from their bulk trays, and
into some flats. This will save you loads of time, and hassel, and will
also give you the best results. Enjoy!

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Time To Transplant Some Seedlings & How I Do It

  1. Nice and precise video. Sooo I took some seeds from a store bought pepper and spread them around a plastic container that was ready for recycling and now I have many little pepper plants started that aren't separated at all by cells. I have no idea how to transplant these without hurting them. From your video though I get that they probably need to be in this container longer. Any advice anyone? New to seedlings.

  2. So excited. First time growing anything from seed. I started with kale. -says takes 1-2 weeks indoors. I put in a plastic shoebox with some dirt. Covered in Saran Wrap. They’re all srprouted and tall in 3 days. Now to transplant outside.

  3. HI! thanks for this seed starting video! Question for you… if I up-planted my broccoli a little too early and the soil kind of fell apart in the process, are the roots too damaged to continue? The plants look okay, but I definitely repotted them too soon. Now I'm wondering if I need to scrap it and start over. The plants are about 4 inches tall, and they could have used a little more time in the small solo cups I had them in. Thanks!

  4. very useful tip. It never cross my mind to use that tiny hole to pry them out. I was braking my head trying to come up with something. thank you!

  5. I am excited with my only one single seedling of barbados gooseberry. it's hard to this plant here in USA, California. I paid expensive just for a few seeds=5 seeds. I planted 2 as a test. So far only 1 seedling, and took a while maybe 2 months, am not sure if the another seed will sprout. the barbado gooseberry is the Pereskia aculeata that is a high protein plant more than beef. It tastes like lettuce, but a little viscose like okra, you get rid of drooling okra by cooking the Jasmine rice in the microwave, and before 3 or 5 minutes finishing you put okra on the top of the rice, cover and put back on the microwave. Very delicious, rice in the microwave even better with okra. the rice is flufly, loose. I don't like make rice on the stove. If somebody here has the pereskia aculeata plant then let's talk.

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