June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Back For 2015, Bare Root Trees

Welcome back for 2015, I hope you follow along. Here are a list of the bare root fruit trees and berries.
1. All-in-one Almond Tree
2. Autumn Bliss Raspberry
3 .Brandywine Purple Raspberry
4. Climax Blueberry
5. Cowart Muscadine
6. Early Golden Apricot Tree
7.Katy Apricot Tree
8. Latham Raspberry
9. Moonpark Apricot Tree
10. Navaho Thornless Blackberry
11. Rainier Cherry
12. Red Chief Nectarine
13. Tropic Gold Apricot
14. English Walnut

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back For 2015, Bare Root Trees

  1. Nice to see you back! I always enjoy your vids. As an ex-New Jersian it fun to watch your growing season. I have 2 vids up this year if you have a chance give them a look. All the Best Buddy

  2. Really looking forward to seeing how your food jungle takes off this year James. Nice selection of trees there too. Just out of interest – do you know how they propogated the bare rooted trees? If they're selling named varieties, I'm guessing they would have taken them from cuttings (unless they grafted scionwood onto seedlings). Could you see any noticeable grafts? Thanks for putting together the video.

  3. ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised; three years … it shall not be eaten of—"The wisdom of this law is very striking. Every gardener will teach us not to let fruit trees bear in their earliest years, but to pluck off the blossoms: and for this reason, that they will thus thrive the better, and bear more abundantly afterwards. The very expression, 'to regard them as uncircumcised,' suggests the propriety of pinching them off; I do not say cutting them off, because it is generally the hand, and not a knife, that is employed in this operation"

  4. Cool update browski. Totally agree with ya on buying the bare root trees and planting them while they are dormant. Did the same this year from tyty and the trees are doing great. Got 3 apricots also. Looking forward to more vids man

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