January 9, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How How to Plant Potatoes

  1. the broad beans should grow fast enough to overcome the insects nibbling the leaves a bit. grden looks well, just thirsty. here in CA farmers often use dust mulch. deep water, then as surface dries cultivate it to break the capillary movement of water. it keeps weeds down and conserves water. water when plants need it not just to wet soil. happy gardening.

  2. Lots going on now! Nifty camera work, I was worried for it, with all that dust. Potato soil in good condition! Looks like you are going to havre a good return for all your efforts! Take care, till next time.

  3. your broad beans are being nibbled at buy flea beatles  you can spray them with provado from wilkos  which will sort them out but as your plants get bigger they will recover

  4. Wow, we have The Professionals and Vision On.  That's a bit of a walk through childhood.  Your seedlings are really coming along.  I've planted butternut squash and no sign of it yet even though cucumber and corgette I planted at the same time have appeared.  I wonder if I have the same delayed germination you did.  I guess we shall see.  You are on course for a great season.  All the best Adam.

  5. By your choice of music I'm guess we're about the same age (21) vision on music made me smile. Sarpos in the ground that's a first ;o) Good luck with them Adam. All the best. Chris.

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