June 10, 2024

VIDEO: Vegetable Garden Design – Choosing the Right Layout for Your Garden

💛 📖 See the GrowVeg book here: https://www.growveg.com/growveg-the-beginners-guide-to-easy-gardening.aspx.
The secret to success with your vegetable garden is good planning. Using dedicated vegetable beds and deciding in advance what you’re going to grow where makes gardening simpler, more efficient, and more productive.

Growing in dedicated beds reduces soil compaction, helps to simplify crop rotation, and makes weeding and protecting your crops a snap.

In this video we discuss the benefits different styles of beds offer and demonstrate how to position your vegetables for a better harvest.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Vegetable Garden Design – Choosing the Right Layout for Your Garden

  1. does he app give you a warning when you plan planting something together that doesn't get along? and does it give you suggestions on companion planting? 🙂

  2. I may sound silly but, I'd like to ask: is there a way for carrots, onions and other similar vegetables to reproduce themselves on their own and how?
    Some links please you are bored to write to me. Thank you.

  3. I love your videos, there is always some little gem I pick up from them!
    I personally try to do raised beds that are not restricted by building wooden edges around. I simply pick up soil from where the paths will be that year and pile it on where the plants will grow. This has saved my early-spring seedlings a couple of times when there was too much rain and the paths were flooded. I am very conscious of rotating my crops, so at the end of the season I cover the entire plot with well-rotted horse manure and leave it to over-winter. In the spring I make new paths and new beds and try not to disturb the soil (I try to do the no-dig method as much as possible, since I believe there are different organisms at different depths in the soil that shouldn't be disturbed by digging and turning the soil over; the manure gets dug in by earthworms throughout the season as well as getting the root vegetables out of the soil once they are ready for harvest). This way I can utilize the minerals that are in the soil where the paths were in the following year. 🙂 Let me know your thoughts on my method. 🙂

  4. I recycle polystyrene spools, that originally held wire for computer components into birdhouses. I make two styles: One gets a screw eye in the "roof" for hanging, and the other gets a dowel in the "floor" to sit into a hold drilled in the top of a post. the main modification is two plywood discs about 3/16" thick, painted black, and attached with nuts and bolts for the roof and floor of the house.

  5. had to chuckle when I saw your netted brassica bed. the size of that mesh! maybe it's just in my area, but our cabbage whites can get through a mesh that big with no effort at all. then, they stay for a long time. my brassica beds are covered with builders' debris netting. it is sewn into the desired shape, and anchored well to the soil. this keeps most butterflies out, provides a bit of protection from wind and frost, and raises the temperature by a degrees or two, without reducing light levels noticeably, and last several years unless damaged by storms. I make them big enough for me to walk around inside, like a fruit cage, to reduce the time when they are open to intruders while I am working on them. they are better protection from mammals, like cats & foxes, who love to play and fight in the area, and pigeons, too, who just scoff the lot if given half a chance.

  6. hey I seen you had some frost protection on what I assume was tomato's in this video,  I have seen them referred to as tomato bells, bell shape, cover individual plants, looked about knee high.  what is the proper name for them and where do you get them. thanks jim

  7. I am just dipping my toe in the water and this was the first video I came across, great ideas, never knew an app was available like that, this is a big help, thanks!.
    PS: What was the plant you recommended for polination; Colengia?

  8. That chap has one of those unfortunate faces that you just want to punch;but if you can get past that then there's plenty of sound, practical and eminently useful advice about what you need to think about when planning your veg patch.

    Glad that I watched it, thank you.

  9. A video about planning a sloping garden would be helpful, especially if it gave advice about handling a slope inexpensively. I'm about to move, and the only sunny, open space has a bit of a slope down to a road. I'm not sure what to do about it yet.

  10. I really enjoy your presentations, garden ideas and tips! You are a wealth of excellent information with a nice sense of humor;Thank you very much and please carry-on! Wishing you and your family the very best!

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