June 10, 2024

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Home garden at this time

  1. Look like you have a great garden planed this year. So happy to see your Yacons. I have not let mine out yet this year. Weather is crazy here too. But we have all your rain. Wet and cool to cold. I have to redo some of my tomatoes. Potting soil is really bad this year. I look forward to see your garden grow.

  2. Borage is like Comfrey both have a long tap root which brings up trace elements from deep down in the soil, I use both by harvesting them and leaving them to soak in water for a couple of weeks to make a tea  which I water on to my vegetable plot. When I first got the borage on my plot it was as a transplant, it had no problems growing so I think yours should be OK, it now self seeds everywhere so now I just leave it to grow  This year I am growing yacon for the first time after seen you grow it and eat it last year, I am looking forward to trying it for the first time later in the season.

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