Progress is slow due to certain “challenges”. Showing a little progress and some things I am trying this year.
VIDEO: A little progress and strange things are afoot at the Circle K
Progress is slow due to certain “challenges”. Showing a little progress and some things I am trying this year.
Nice to see your update and I have to say your garden is progressing well. Funny you should mention subscribers, I was on a 100 for what seemed like forever but I have also picked up about 40 new subscribers in the last Month. I'm really pleased about it but don't really understand why?
I look forward to seeing what else you're growing this summer. Really interesting. The subscribers seem to come in spurts. I know that it's partly "random" but it seems to follow a pattern. I have a Math degree and I don't even get it.
Every kid should have a dog
You have a nice garden there. Days here are warm in London but nights are cold . Same old problem as your. Youtube effectually catches up with their figures. Keep positive and be well
Great garden you have there and everything is progressing nicely.
Thanks for the shout-out, I really appreciate it. I think you'll enjoy zucs/squash growing vertically. You can plant shade veggies (kale, radishes, etc..) under the zucs once the plants get big enough and are up off the ground. I know how you feel when it comes to youtube. This is the 3rd year for my channel but most of the growth has been the past 4 to 6 weeks. I'm thinking youtube changed something… but it's anyone's guess. I'm very grateful for the growth though – and I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one effected. 
For the first couple of years after I left the army and started growing vegetables I had the same problem with Kohlrabi with the stem not swelling, but then like you said, I started them off earlier in the season. This year I am trying a variety call Superschmelz, which I am looking forward too, because the type of Kohlrabi seeds which you normal buy in the UK get woody if they gets bigger then a golf ball and I am use to being them larger from the time I use to live in Germany.
That is really great you all got a dog. I think it will really help.
Nice update!
This season I will be tuning down the amount of work and plants by about 40 percent compared to last year. I think we sometimes need to calm down, relax and breathe for a season, -just to load the batteries. I do indeed need it. Maybe the most difficult thing ahead now, is not to get a bad conscience and a feeling of being lazy.
Hope things do well for you and yours.
All the best,
Halvor. .
What a nice addition to the family. I always say I want to be the person my dog already thinks I am. LOL. I like to trellis as much as possible. That powdery mildew is as big problem here, along with all the other issues that come with the sub-tropics.