March 22, 2025

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: permaculture design for Geoff Lawton's PDC

  1. Where are your water features? It might be possible to place a small duck pond on the higher elevation than using the drop you could place a waterfall or a series of waterfalls to clean the water leading into a pond. You could use the smaller house/office to collect water, storing the collected water out of sight, behind the building. This addition could add edge for greater production of plants and might even increase the sap run of the maples. The resulting pond would enhance the beauty of the yard and increase protein production with fish and crayfish.

  2. Hey Clint, this is Eric. I have been seriously thinking about taking a PDC from Geoff. Would you recommend the online PDC? Where do you feel it’s lacking vs. doing an on-site PDC? I’d love to hear your feedback. If I had unlimited time and money I would fly from Africa to Australia and take his PDC and PIA courses.

  3. Clint, In your experience, are chestnut trees good lawn tree? I'm thinking of planting two Chinese chestnut trees in the middle of my front lawn. Do the tree root protrude above the soil, causing any mowing difficulty or pedestrian tripping danger? Is the shade too dense to have grass growing? I'm not looking to have a manicured lawn, but I live in a subdivision where having a front lawn without a lot of weeds is the norm.

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