June 11, 2024

VIDEO: More on my chipper shredder Häcksler

Did some more shredding today for my mother in law. A few points I wanted to share. I definitely feel one of these is very beneficial if one has a lot of cuttings or can gain acces to them. Talk to the neighbors and get theirs. Stop and ask when you see people cutting. Don’t let them go to waste.

7 thoughts on “VIDEO: More on my chipper shredder Häcksler

  1. Somehow this vid of yours makes me think about these vids called "will it blend" heheh. Then also " I hope to run it all day saturday"   made me think *hopefully not at my neighbors garden" ;o) Great piece of equipment, as is a chainsaw and for some people a leafblower, but yeah, for composting that is real good. You have a worm-bin ?
    Cheers !

  2. Like you, I took off my front guard a while ago, as you say they really shouldn't be anyone else around in front of the machine while it's being used so I don't see it as a problem at all. Do you use it like I do with the lid hinged back as in the video? The one other point I would make is that you really need to be wearing a good heavy pair of gloves while using it. I hadn't thought about cardboard but I will be giving it a go after seeing your results. I notice you still have all the rubber pieces intact at the top of the side tube, mine are starting to break off, not a real problem as I am certainly not putting my hand anywhere near that tube but a bit of a design fault I think.

  3. This is something we are seriously considering. We would need a bigger one because we have a ton of tree that have to come down as they are widow makers. Also, so many trees that have already fallen need to be shredded. It gets me excited just thinking of that possibility.

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