In this video I give a demonstration on how to assemble a galvanised raised garden bed and explain what I have growing plus dispel a few myths about using this type of garden bed. Here is where I got my latest bed from: (eBay Australia – may not be helpful to people other countries due to postage costs but it could give you an idea about the product) Cheers
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
I would duct tape the top instead. Good stuff though
Hello Mark, I'm kind of new to your channel. I been watching a few videos here and there and was wondering about these raised beds. Finally got to a video that explains and tells me where you get them and putting one together. Where I live, I have a small yard and found it's all rock under very little soil when I tried planting a rose bed. I had 5 rose bushes. It took me two weeks to get thru and a lot of purchased soil. So now, that I'm sort off retired, I'm thinking about putting down edibles. This will help a lot Mark! I will still have to break thru rock for a couple of fruit trees, but this info is so very much appreciated! Love, Health and Peace to you and yours!
Brilliant! We are presently tearing down and old bard with corrugated roofing, we should be able to do this with no problems.
I wish I could find one of these
Very cool raised beds!!
What do you use for moisture retention on top of the soil?
Wood chips? Hay?
You can easily fit in the next Gladiator movie!
I looked on eBay, and couldn’t find these.
Looks easy enough!
I need that!
man i wish they had them in the US
For DIY galvanized raised garden beds Wholefully website is just one of the site that discuss the topic. Or just google the topic. I have searched for metal raised beds, but did not find a high or tall kind. They are usually just 12" high. So, I will try making on or modify the ones that are available here in the states. Hope it works.
I like your videos, full of ideas. Even though we r not in Australia, I like raised beds, this gave me so many ideas. Hope they will begin to sell these galvanized bed frames in US also!
Canadian here but Thank you for your Service
Cool! But there is also neumatic from cars that you can plant and its free
Neat way to hide a body.
Generally I find your videos very helpful and instructive, but I am concerned about lead leaching out of galvanized materials. Do you know of any studies on this? Perhaps a test on soils that have been contained for two or three years in such containers?
How tall are these?
I enjoy watching your videos, you and some others have inspired me to make a video planting some vegetable seeds and trying a bunch of new things. Thanks for the great videos.
How would you recommend to dismantle and move a planted bed?
What are the measurements of those beds?
You didn't say how you got out of the middle of the drum after glueing it!
How long do they last?
Are they cost effective?
I have gotten a good cut. Hurt like a sonofagun.