March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Bush & Pole Beans – Complete Growing Guide

In this growing guide we will talk about growing bush beans or Green
Beans as many efer to them as. It also applies to pole beans with the
exception of adding supports for climing. We go into fertilizing beans,
watering, amount of sun required, how to thin, spacing, soil
temperature, starting from seed or starts, and even harvesting tips. It
is jam packed with information so hopefully it gets you growing! Enjoy!
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Bush & Pole Beans – Complete Growing Guide

  1. You have room for 1 more plant, you have 3 plants about 6 inches apart, then you left about 12 inches before the one at the end. You have room for one more plant.

  2. 4 bean plants is enough for a family of three???? Well, this should be an interesting year, I planted my first crop and used about 40 seeds! Researching now “How to can beans”.

  3. Oh for Pete's sake, now I get it. Out of curiosity, I stuck some dried beans from a "12 Bean soup" bag into my aunt's garden. I got one tall one I had to tie to a stick and 2 wide ones with lots of leaves. I've been skipping "bush beans" vids bc these aren't from a can of "Bush's beans"… I know, duh! I watched this bc MIgardener is great. Pole — Bush — (facepalm) Ya gotta start somewhere! LOL

  4. Dumb question: how do I tell the difference between green bean plants and bean plants for shelling (soI can make chili etc). Does any "bean" plant become a shelling bean if allowed to dry? Thanks

  5. Trying beans. They are growing and leaves and productive. They are 3 feet up my trellis and I have NO FRUIT! NONE. Help? Too much nitrogen? Too crowded?

  6. Please make a growing guide on fennel and also napa cabbage. I gave up on fennel, but I made the mistake of planting it too close to my cucumber. I have some napa cabbage growing nicely, however based on comments in seems many people struggle to get them to produce head.

  7. How do you sprout Kentucky greasy beans seeds? I have planted 15 seeds and non have sprouted. I have tried store-bought seeds heirloom seeds and no matter what I do they don't come up, I've used those Pete pucks I've mixed my own soil… I've used humidity domes I've used the soaking method I'm so lost.

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