March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Cucumbers – Complete Growing Guide

In this complete growing guide we will cover everything you need to
know about growing Cucumbers. No matter if you are growing in a square
foot garden, in ground garden, or in a container garden, this growing
guide will apply. We cover fertilizing, watering, spacing, sunlight
requirements, soil type, and trellising. Thanks for watching and
remember to hit that like
button, hit the share button as well! ~ Happy Gardening!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Cucumbers – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Powdery mildew…does it look like a white powder on the underside of the leafs? I have a young plant and I think that's what it has. Will Hydrogen Peroxide (a few drops in water) clear it up?

  2. Hey Luke, I need help with my cucumber plants. I live in Southern California, near the ocean, I had a lot of success with my Japanese cucumbers but now I have a lot of powdery mildew and all my new baby cucumbers are not growing, like they are drying out quickly and all lack before they can reach an inch long. What is the problem ? I have been pruning the plants and some leaves are drying out so I cut them off but I don’t see an improvement. Thanks, I love your videos, Jaz

  3. This was a great help to me. I grew mine too close together on a v-shaped wire trellis. they did not grow tall and had little air flow. My question is why didn't, those which grew, get any bigger than a small pickle or golf ball. I gave it nitrogen in the form of alfalpha tablets soaked in water, but only once. Does it need more?;. or what else?

  4. An idea to make these complete guides a little more informative, go through the life cycle. What i mean is either a multi recording session slammed together to make 1 video, or the more preferred method…. plant one or 2 plants every few weeks in a row, and go through planting a new one, then slight growth and care, then pruning and trellising(if applicable), then propagation, then finish off with fruiting and picking with an explanation of how to tell when its ready. Include when to fertilize and with what along each stage as needed, etc. Call them "the definitive guide to (insert plant here)", just a thought.

  5. I hate these how to videos there bullshit. He just talked about what he already did instead of showing us as he doing it. The whole point is to learn what your doing show us don't just tell us. Step by step. Take the time and make a proper DIY how to video.

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