Trellis is installed and a quick look around. Talking a bit about my priority of work this summer and fall.
1. Get existing beds planted and improved to a point that is satisfactory for the next two years.
2. Divide the property into sections, determine what improvements or builds will be done and do them.
3. Overall cleanup, pruning and chipping/shredding for compost/mulch
Looking good my friend! Thanks for sharing.
Looks good brother. Even without much rain it looks great. Wish I could say the same. Garlic rotted from all the rain I been getting now. Tons all at once. Been an interesting year so far. Thanks man
The beans look great! Mine get destroyed by spider mites every time. I would be overwhelmed with a growing space this big!
You have a great space there. I hope the aztec corn does well, good idea to save some back for next year.
Everything is looking well . I like your Woodchips container. That's a fine stone wall.