March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Simply The *BEST* Chicken Breeds For Any Homestead~

There are so many wonderful chicken breeds to choose from, but no matter how many seasoned homesteaders you talk to, most of them have common chicken breeds that always give back so much more than what they put in. Here are a few breeds we have enjoyed and highly recommend. Enjoy and thanks so much for watching!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Simply The *BEST* Chicken Breeds For Any Homestead~

  1. I personally love the wyandottes, the combs don't freeze in our Idaho winters (extreme cold with very little snow) and of course the orpingtons. We just rubs the combs with patrolium jelly to prevent frost bite.

  2. I had to look up those Speckled Sussex and they are very nice looking birds. As soon as I'm in a place to where I can have some, they're definitely on my list! Australorps, too. I was already planning getting chickens, but now I'm getting CHICKENS! Thanks for your help.

  3. What about Dominique? They were my Great Grandmother's fav chickens. We are thinking about getting a few hens after a 18yr hiatus without chickens and are hoping to get a few Buffs and a Dominique or two. Thanks for your great video! Sending love from Tupelo, MS!

  4. I agree whole heartedly with Black Sexlinks, Black Australorps, and Americaunas. I have ALOT of hawks here in NE FL and generally need hen raised crafty chickens to avoid them while free ranging. Hawks tend to be able to spot those white chickens well too so we dont keep any of those. My other favorites for suvival and production on our homestead would be Dominiques. I love SL Wyandottes too but the gold ones are the only ones that make it around here. This year we are hoping to add Bielefelders and welsummers.

  5. Have you decided or know anything about the blue australop ? And the splash blue ones? I have three boys and the biggest one is very much a dictator to the others. If u have multiple Roos of the same and different breed being large can a batch lot pad be made? I know that if there’s hens in the mix it can get pretty messy and lose one from what I read. First time chicken owner of 45 chickens and yes bantams in separate coops from large and medium breeds is best. I know this by early stages of watching them together and saw a few ruffles so I separate them before anything could happen. I got a rooster silky that got into an argument with is brother over space and the other hens so he’s a house chicken for now. The breeds I have is a mix and waiting for the eggs to come. So it’s the blue and black australops, Russian Orloff that’s on the threatend list of the live stock conservation list, golden sex link, buff orphantons which is part of the australops gene line in the breed, bovan brown, Silkies, bantam Japanese black tail, black and golden Sebright also endangered list, bantam Brahmas , which I got the black birch and a white that is considered a silver gene line looks like a Columbia Wyandot, and adding five road island red hens this week which is part of the golden sex link and the freedoms Ranger gene line and few others used for as in the breed make up. The history of chickens is fantastically interesting starting with the jungle fowls.

  6. I love my Isa Browns and Leghorns. They all come and squat down for me to pet them. Love them. Very friendly and dependable. I would like to add Buffs tho. Especially for the broodiness. I agree with you on the Barred Rock too. Our rooster is and he is quite the gentleman! He even finds food and bring it to his girls snd drop it right in front of them to have it. So funny!

  7. All good choices. My favorite, Barred Rock. But remember the whole group of crosses do not breed true. But for most peoole, so what! They are great egg layers and are mostly friendly and are cheap. My Barred Rocks from Mount Healthy are laying over 240 eggs a year per chicken and are very friendly.

  8. Not a new chicken owner, but when your situation changes, that can change what your flock needs to look like. We have chosen to put our ladies to work all over the farm. But if they can't stay put, they are getting picked off by fox and coyotes in droves. New garden areas without fencing are being destroyed by rough naughty girls. But mostly, it's the finding a pile of feathers and knowing what happened. It's too much if you love your ladies.
    I NEED a non flighty bird!!!
    I am a fool for an Easter basket, but I can't take the characteristics of some of the egg colors I wanted.
    So here I am… feeling lost on picking next year's flock.
    I feel so much more confident in selecting now.

  9. Hello! I am new to incubating eggs. My question is, once the chicks hatch in the incubator and dry, do I move them to the brooder or is there a step that needs to be done before hatching and the brooder box?

  10. I have a rooster phobia thanks to two evil Rhode Island Red roosters. I’m now petrified of all roosters. So, what’s the gentlest rooster? Not that I’m going to get one lol

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