June 9, 2024

VIDEO: How to Have A Successful Garden ~ Location & Sunlight

The location and direction of a garden is very important when
determining how much sun it will recieve. By planning ahead, mapping
the sun, and doing a little homework before putting the beds in, you
can optomize your chances of having a successful garden.
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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Have A Successful Garden ~ Location & Sunlight

  1. I love your channel, and I watch all the videos and appreciate your advice and experiences – thank you!  That being said, I want to point out one thing:  the advice in this video is great for plants that need full sun in northern climates.  However, some plants – greens, for example – tend to appreciate a bit of shade in any climate, and the hotter the climate, the more important it is to have some shade during the day for many other plants.  So I totally agree that it's important to plan the bed locations carefully, but just not always for maximum sun.

  2. Hi…great video with some helpful hints but i have a question….I live in southern Louisiana (zone 8b) and i have had pretty good luck with plants in pots but any beds i make are as you say "less than successful" lol ….i believe its because of to much direct hot sun frying the plants….should i get some shade cloth covering or relocate the beds to where they are in the shade for the hottest hours of the day?….also should i shoot for morning or evening sunlight?

  3. Thank you Luke, people tend to forget the basics, and it is good to know these things, especially ones who are just starting a first time garden. Pray all well with the married life.  Rick.

  4. Will Neem Oil treatments on the trunk of my tree in heavy concentration + the leaves & stem in regular concentration help kill the boring worms that are effecting my fruit trees? There’s so many species of these little critters idk I might have more than one I just want to get rid of them without toxic products and I trust neem oil not to hurt pollinators.

  5. I don't understand. East to West containers will have plants on the east end shade out the west side plants. It's even worst than North South containers. Because there's at least a 2-3ft walkway separating north south containers.

    What am I misunderstanding?

  6. regarding the north/south east/west question on raised beds, its simply a question of considering size of plants when figuring out your planting plan, correct? I don't have much choice about which direction I put my beds based on topography of my yard.

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