June 10, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: A Tour of our Wildflower Hay Meadow

  1. Hi Huw, it is so lovely to see traditional meaddows.  I now live in Lincolnshire, the home of mass agri business, and meaddows here are few and far between.  This type of field is so vital to our eco system, so thank you for keeping to gardening/farming traditions in your food production. Well done.

  2. Have you taken any footage of the Royal Welsh Huw.  I was supposed to be there this week but have been caught by work and having to stay this side of the border.  My wife is there with the family's horses (we show horses every year and my wife's family is Welsh.  Another year when I do actually manage to get away we should arrange to meet and share a cup of tea or wait until you can join me in the cider tent 🙂  Great video.  It must be wonderful to have all those resources at your disposal.  Keep up the great work Huw.  All the best.

  3. I am so impressed. Bee-utiful !!
    I hope you can make a video telling us how we can create a meadow such as that. I have a field that is lying fallow right now, and can't decide what to do with it. All trees were taken out last year and we are left with bare ground that is clay and rocks. Purchased a bee hive and it's ready to start in the Spring. I also have a fenced-in garden area with raised beds. But the open field beckons some organized plan.

  4. Great meadow, Id like to know some details on maintaining the meadow, is it used for animal hay feed in winter? What is the ratio of wildflowers to grass? What types of grass are there? Also, establishing and maintaining it would be nice info, such as when and how much to cut, fertilize etc.

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