March 18, 2025

VIDEO: GGC – 7 – Northern Canada, WORST mosquitoes EVER!

Part 4 of our three-week road trip across northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). After returning from our tour of Waskaganish, we enjoyed a glass of wine and watched the sunset over Rupert River. When we tried to get back into the camper van, Paula found an amusing way to keep the swarms of mosquitoes from following us…

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 7 – Northern Canada, WORST mosquitoes EVER!

  1. Guys, your videos are awesome!! You two are naturals! So much chemistry and togetherness. I am sure you probably argue at times but not on camera!! I love at 3:30 …Goddamn!! Then Goshdarn!!! Great that it is unscripted!!! Can't wait to watch more of your videos!!

  2. When my family and I would visit my Mom's brother during the summer – 2 hrs north of Montréal in Nominingue, the black flies were horrendous especially when we went to the lake to swim. As soon as you went in the water, they would surround you, so we spent our time underwater or jumping from the old dock. At night, the mosquitoes would come out in droves. If some followed you to bed, I could hear the buzzing come in by my ears. I had to sleep with my head under the covers. So I can empathize with you. Back then we lived in bug spray – it was the late 70s-early 80s! We didn't have healthier versions of bug spray. The north is amazing; but there areo the bugs!

  3. I'm just getting around to watching this. Oh my gosh that's horrible! I am so allergic to a mosquito bite that of which two months down the road. Is there a follow up to this video? Did you have trouble sleeping that night? Did you get rid of them?

  4. Mosquito mus be the local bird of prayt. Small but mighty little things. And it is the female that bits not the male. Did you run into Deer flies that like house fly don't bite but rip chunks out of you?

  5. I would also guess that your mosquitoes could have simply come into the van with you or on your clothing. Same for black flies.

    Mosquitoes are very poor fliers in any sort of wind, and usually aren't making the rounds when enough wind is blowing to move leaves or small tree branches. IOW, park in a windy place.

    Black flies are a different story.

  6. Next time you're covered with mosquitoes and don't want them to follow you into the van, grab a nice bushy plant to use as swatters. By waiving them furiously around yourself you'll keep them off you and give you an escape into the van. Once inside continue to swat and kill the remaining critters. Bushes are your friend…haha. It worked for me in the woods.

  7. Holy crap, those are gigantic mosquitos! No wonder no one lives in northern Canada, those monsters have to be 3 times as big as the mosquitos here in the US.

  8. use one of those off coil incense thingies in the burner for half hour before sleep to help keep em out, put in van for a bit, it will drive them out, and you can still sleep once it fumigates out no probs.

  9. I was enjoying the video until i heard Paula use my Saviours name like that… very upsetting, esp of ALL the words there are in the English language to use. That should not come out of ANYONE'S mouth !
    By the way that was not swearing, that was cursing the one who gave her life, and breath to breathe!

  10. It was all good for my wife and I until you Blasphemed the Lord's name. Even if you are Godless people you don't have to act like it. Next time you feel the need to condemn someone try using your mother's name first. So if your mothers name was Paula then say something like " Paula
    the Dirty C..t". See how good that sounds. Try it maybe you will like the sound of that even better.

  11. Watch Youtube channel: Nithya Mosquito Destroyer:

    Needed Electrical items: 1.Exhaust Fan, 2.Mosquito Bat, 3.Small Bulb and wires etc.

    Open Mosquito Bat, remove Battery and connect with Mobile charger of 5 volts.

    Connect all above items in One Electric plug & Switch on.

  12. Northern Canada at dusk , near water and bush , and no breeze. With all your northern experience I would have thought you would have figured it out. If you don't believe if high quantity deet bug spray , cover yourself in mud. People have done it when lost in the bush.

  13. I'm from Quebec; here we use to say that at a time in summer, mosquitos and black fly can take a moose up a couple feet in the air!
    Seriously though there are sometime moose that goes totally crazy and jump in river/lake cause they can't endure any more of it.
    Forget citronel candles and s**t; only full clothing cover and netting can protect you, even Deet struggle to help!

  14. crazy, i visited NL several times away from the major towns like (Gander, Lewis Porte, GFW), those things are relentless out in the country. Wearing hoodies and longsleeves in the middle of summer is nuts. Even had a bonfire and these things were attacking, they call them nippers up there…beautiful country and province too.

  15. I have a mosquito net for a bed canopy, which covers an entire van. If you can get under it fast enough, the mosquitos will be brushed off as you enter the van. It's nice as a cover for the windows too.

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