Part 5 of our three-week road trip across northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). On our third and final day in Waskaganish, we traveled 30 km out into James Bay to visit Stag Island, the southernmost landmass of Nunavut Territory, in Northern Canada. There are no roads that lead to Nunavut, but we still found a way to get there!
VIDEO: GGC – 8 – Road Trip to Nunavut Territory via James Bay
Part 5 of our three-week road trip across northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). On our third and final day in Waskaganish, we traveled 30 km out into James Bay to visit Stag Island, the southernmost landmass of Nunavut Territory, in Northern Canada. There are no roads that lead to Nunavut, but we still found a way to get there!
Remind me to buy you a windbreak for that camera. Lord Jebus….> Great video as always. Keep them coming.
I love the desolate beauty. But I can just imagine how brutal it must be up there in the middle of the winter. And that looks like an awful small boat to cover 30 kms.
@A Guy. A Girl. And a Campervan so glad for you that you got to experience your dream!!! Amazing video. Maybe one day you will be able to fly out to the Arctic Circle and experience Nunavut's (sp Paula, lol) people and culture as well. I see Paula took some water as well.
Congrats on landing your feet on Nunavut ground. 
Sure glad I didn't have to do that. Ha Not my thing.
Amazing trip and beautiful views. ..thanks for sharing.
Looks like a great day w/o mosquitoes. What fun. thanks.
So sweet that Paula let you touch land first!!! You two are amazing!!
I almost think that I have been to the edge of Nunavut thanks to you both! You make it so real by letting us get to know you. I am so happy to have found your channel!
Amazing for sure. What a wonderful opportunity. Thanks for sharing with those of us that may not ever make this trip. We'll live vicariously through you. I hope you will have an opportunity to post some of your pictures of Facebook now.
what kind of phone is that
Paula, you are not alone. My wife and I love finding little treasures on the trail or the beach. Hope your travels continue past this year. There is sooooo much to see just on the North American continent that we have traveled a lot during the past 41 years together.
Newbie here, just want to say "Congrats" on fulfilling another dream!!
I'm from Northern Ontario and I wanted to see this in real life but the wife is allergic to black flies and my family.
We have been to Vancouver Island and PEI .
I wanted to go to Newfoundland for years but I can't speak the language.
By the way you have a real gifted radio voice…….Loyd Robertson level.
You didn't go for a swim?
How did you go about finding a guide to take you to Nunavut?
My favorite GGC video so far was when you hired an outboard to take you into James Bay so that you could set foot in Nunavut.
Actually, that island and 80% of the islands in James Bay and Hudson Bay are under jurisdiction of the Cree and thus a part of Québec now since 2012.
I love your sense of excitement in visiting all of your provinces. I know a number of my fellow Americans who boast of visiting all fifty of our states, but perhaps because they are not "remote" and difficult to reach, it isn't seen as an accomplishment and certainly not an "adventure." So, not only do I admire your excitement, but find myself envious too. This summer I hope to complete my "bucket list" of your provinces with a motorcycle ride up to Chisasibi and dip my toe into the Nunavut waters…
You guys are crazy; but in such a good way!
Great video. Thanks. Last month, i drove from Montréal to Chisasibi village next to the James Bay. 17 hours drive. Amazing experience. Visited Fort George (abandoned Crii village) and Radisson (LG2 hydro electric central). Didn't leave my province and lived a culture shock!!!!
Hope to visit canada in the future
Late summer vacation for sure. Love Stag Island.
We have been looking to do exactly this on our road trip this summer but havnt been able to find any information online. How did you go about finding the captain to take you to Stag Island? Would love to know more so we can also make our dream of reaching Nunavut come true!
I really like the heart shaped rocks thing, are they all displayed somewhere in your house now?
Thank you for sharing your trip!
I hope to go up to Quebec next summer, and actually go up into the Hudson Bay by boat. Also, how did you get that Cree man to take you up to that island, if you don’t mind me asking?
New Adventure,beautiful you must have a very good cam. Thank You again Mr.Ken ur awesome
I heard just North of there, in Charlton Island, you can find the most southern polar bears in the world.
I'm just bewildered that she had cell coverage on that island…lol