We have had a very good year for honeybees, the bees are thriving and
loving it, and the honeybees are just making so much honey! We decided
to pull a frame of honey, and show you how we harvest honey. It is
cheap, easy, and very quick!
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What you're doing is so amazing and kind. I love the way you grow everything and the way you speak is what I like the most. It's so inspiring, I started to grow so many seeds and it gives me so much joy. Hopefully I would also start with the bee culture, but I'm so scared of them. Keep up the splendid work, I always look forward to your videos.
I loved this video. Very interesting indeed. I have 6 hive towers on the land and a lady beekeeper keeps them happy and safe. She occasionally leaves a pot of honey for us to enjoy but the purpose, like you say, is to provide the bees with wonderful foraging grounds here on the farm and surrounding areas. The apple trees in the orchard have had an abundance of fruit since the apiary arrived.
This is a great video! Hoping to start beekeeping in the next year or so. Heading over to see your other beekeeping videos now! =)
I am hungry now
If you haven't already, I would consider getting a hive tool and a bee brush. Makes getting the frames out and bees off a bit easier. Any bee supplier would have them and they're not that expensive. It looked like your putty knife was starting to give a little! You could probably also get a more stout 1" putty knife and it might do the trick. Best of wishes to you and your bees!
One other tip. After you extract you can take your dishes out by the hive and the bees will clean all the honey residue off of them.
Do you use foundation? Or starter strips?
Awesome video! Big inspiration to start my beehive. SAVE THE BEES!
Being in a cold climate like mine , do you cover the hive partially in the winter ? Any concerns with bees being within 100 yards of a swimming pool, didn't know if they drank that water if it would be an issue? Thx
What happens if you don't expand their hives? Like you just start them in 1 box and never add more? Do they die or leave or just stay there and say nothing?
You will mess your frames up digging them out like that.
Thoroughly enjoyed this, thank you! I'm studying up as we've just purchased our first homestead – I plan on trying to coax bats, too. FYI, raw, local honey and pollen is not only excellent taken internally as a natural allergy treatment (not just allergic rhinitis/respiratory, but dermatologic conditions as well) but also topically as a broad spectrum antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral). I use it in naturopathic woundcare, but it's also gained huge ground in mainstream medicine.
awesome video! youre so gentle and neat. how long do you let the frame drip?
Pale honey-would have little to no flavour-too much sugar water.
Thank you for the fantastic bee videos. We just started two hives the year for the same reason – to help save bees. Your videos are very timely and very helpful for us because we are just learning. I love your method of harvesting without the expensive equipment and keeping the honey completely raw. Great job as usual!
Have been watching your garden videos and I love them. I stumbled on your beekeeping video. This is wonderful, I will watch them too. I just planted a raise bed of flowers for the bees: Hyssop, Lavender, purple cone flowers, bee balm, asters and a Linden (Bass wood) Tree. Gardening and Beekeeping go hand in hand. Planting a bee garden would be a great video to make.
My first bee have 1 year thank you.
So awesome you don't treat! Hope your bees are still doing as well in 2018. Just starting bees this spring, and bought a 2nd nuc and hive this a.m. because I keep reading it's best to start w/ at least 2. I am hoping the biodiversity of plants I have will keep them healthy/ feed them and boost their immune systems enough to fight off anything. I'm not using any chemicals. If I am able to pull one frame of honey like you did…I don't know how I'd contain my excitement. Awesome!!!
#amazing work you do
I’m going bee keeper
I won't honey
MAGNIFICENT first frame …. Love that feeling!! well done Sir
Great video and instructions!
Do you still have the bees?
I am looking to start beekeeping and loved the idea of being able to harvest honey without the added equipment. Thank you
I enjoyed viewing your nice and simple honey extraction process! Thank you!
Interesting! Very Interesting!
EXACTLY the info I was looking for! thank you!
Try a serrated knife next time
If you don't harvest enough they will start to backfill the brood box.