Part 7 of our three-week road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). After finally getting our new tire mounted, we drove another 600 km to Saguenay, Quebec and decided to camp out at Walmart for the night.
VIDEO: GGC – 10 – Walmart camping in Saguenay, Quebec
Part 7 of our three-week road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada (the Atlantic Provinces). After finally getting our new tire mounted, we drove another 600 km to Saguenay, Quebec and decided to camp out at Walmart for the night.
I really love watching your videos. The slice of everyday life, what you're eating, the tire stuff, and the Walmart stuff-I really love those details. Your editing is just about perfect.
great vidio's oh any leftovers looked good
yes, two new videos this week… I like
Crazy to see a closed Walmart. All of ours where i live are open 24hrs. You 2 make such a good couple. Enjoying your videos. Hey, does she have a single sister? Haha
Love your videos ! You guys are already making history on YouTube !
Congrats !
Post more adventures please.
Cheers from Europe,
this is called sweeping the van (actually the floor) in oklahoma! but everything is on the level fore and aft ;to and fro! now where is that wine box at? you all deserve all the fun you are having.
Yayyyyy Another video… BOOOOOOO it was too short.
Wow, I really like your videos

You guys are always cheerful, i also get very excited when you guys post a video
I love your vids. Did I also mention I love that your wife drives the Campervan? As a female I think it's important to share some of the tiring, tedious and dirty work of traveling in a vehicle long distance. She should for sure know how to change a tire and dump the tanks. Safe travels guys
I recently came over you channel and subbed due to the content! Great work!
Great scenery w/delicious food=awesome!!!!
Love your channel. A beautiful couple who inspire people to breakaway from the standard conformity of life. Brave, inspiring and most of all happy. Keep up the adventures. All the best, Ian (England).
Yes salad or soup you can add a lot of extra odd ingredients. They are largely goof proof.
Great video. ..thanks for sharing!
OMG! Lac St. Jean is the perfect place to live in an van! I've been to Alma. Any problems with an older van like your dodge?
Living vicariously through you!
Funny ending.
First, let me say that you two are such a neat couple, and I am watching all your videos. This way I can see places I have never seen before.
I'm surprised to hear that Walmart's up there close at night?
I have another question please. When my husband and I go camping. Even for just two days. I am ready to come home. My neighborhood, my yard, my neighbors. I mean to the place where our things are also. So do you ever feel that way? I'm sorry, I can't remember if y'all have a place somewhere. I know being a woman, I want to be able to"go home." I am many years older than y'all though:) Maybe that's why I feel this way.
Thank you for answering my question:) Well said and continue to have fun!!! Be safe:)
Man… I could sit here and watch your video's all day long. Tell me something, If someone wanted to do a reality show with you would you think about doing it? Would having a camera crew following you around all the time ruin your trips?
Are you guys planing to travel to California at any point in your trip ?
10th epsode woo. Saw your house tour and had to start from the beginning to see your journey. Everything you've done/doing is so amazing and inspirational. Am i also right in thinking you follow a vegan diet?
I dont know Why am I here but I was looking for a college at New Brunswick then I found myself at here =)…Love From Turkey…very nice video..Nice personalities…thanks..
nice video,like to see the country
This past July I tried camping at a Walmart in my van but never tried it again. For one thing, the area of the parking lot was right next to a truck stop and I had to listen to trucks all night. I ended up closing my windows to reduce the noise level but the hot muggy Indiana night in the middle of summer made it nearly impossible to sleep and I was fatigued the next day driving.
The levels thing is neat, i'd never have thought of that
Discovered you as a random recommendation. Great video, to pass by lonely times itching for long road trips during the pandemic. When you're on the road in Quebec, did you encounter anybody there that don't speak English at all? I've heard that anywhere outside of Montreal, or even Quebec City, not many people are able to understand English at all in La Belle Province.
Myself from the Lower Mainland in BC.
ha ha I live about two hours from this Walmart and I have slept in the eact same spot with my camper van.