September 20, 2024

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Paw paw tree permaculture making money

  1. lol.. I just paid 15.00 for a seedling,, it was about 3-4 inches tall with three little leaves.. I was a little shocked when it arrived! It was a part of a larger tree order that was delivered from a local organic farm,, i think they are hard to find around here,, Im just not sure how to look after it come the winter,, I think it is too delicate to leave outside

  2. can you spare me some please? I have no credit or debit card, I used to eat them when I was young but I can't find them anymore where I live in alabama

  3. If you got a hole cutter and cut 99 holes in a piece of plywood then you could cut PVC piping and put a cap on the bottom and a sleeve on the top to catch the edge of the hole in the plywood and drill a few small drain holes in the bottom of the little pvc plant holders that you constructed you could have the same set up for about ten dollars.

  4. This is a very interesting video. thanks. There is a very good nursery, Ty Ty Nursery located in Ty Ty, Georgia that sells; excellent grafted paw paw trees that bear the first year. There videos are interesting and informative that you may find useful at

  5. A dollar a piece at seedling level (as shown) – shit yeah, I couldn't get my money out fast enough. I'd hurt myself trying to hand you my whole wallet. I'd shout, "Give me the lot, here", stumble and fall with my hand outstretched.

  6. How many pawpaws would you recommend in a tote that size if you are going to keep them in there until they are big enough to be planted in full sun? I've heard they can take full sun once they reach 3'. I've got 60 seed from Jerry Leimans pawpaws I'm going to plant in totes. I've got them in wet paper towels now seeing how many germinate before I buy a bunch of totes.

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