March 26, 2025

VIDEO: GGC – 13 – World's Largest Visible Impact Crater and Daniel-Johnson Dam

Part 10 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. Continuing our drive up the 389 from Baie-Comeau to Labrador City, we came across the Daniel-Johnson Hydroelectric Dam (the largest “multiple arch buttress dam” in the world), and the Manicougan Crater (the largest visible impact crater on Earth)

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 13 – World's Largest Visible Impact Crater and Daniel-Johnson Dam

  1. Hydro electricity is, as you said, one of the better ways to generate electricity. Yes, ANYTHING we humans do is 'destructive' one way or the other. So unless you want to go back to the Stone Ages, then don't complain about it and consider it the price to pay for the world we live in and the modern conveniences we so often take for granted and scream loudest when they are absent. Remember too if it wasn't for these series of dams in Quebec, you would not be privileged to travel so easily into these remote areas otherwise and enjoy the scenery, etc. it has to offer and prepare your videos.

  2. Manic is a short for Manicouagan. Manicouagan is a regional county municipality in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec. It is located on the north shore of the Saint Lawrence River with its seat in Baie-Comeau .

  3. The climate cycles of our water planet are Continental Glaciers brought on by Global Tsunami's when the precession of the north star aligns the equator with the solar orbital plane at the ecliptics every 13 k years.

    Earth is a closed Loop, that self regulates CO2 with Life.

    Climate Change is haas and will always be caused by the Milankovitch Cycles.

    The more the axis of the earths tilts towards the SUN the more direct sunlight the higher latitudes poles receive. Warming the Southern Hemisphere's heat sink oceans and thawing the Northern hemisphere's Frozen CO2 continents.. Which is why Temperature rises first and CO2 follows. Cause and effect.

    Covid is a strawman built o nthe baby boomers turning Seniors Bust due to the usual suspects of seasonal FLU and old age.

  4. Tell me-would that vegetation be preserved forever and never rot unless it was underwater? Its like things an 8th grader could refute. Forests are covered with rotting vegetation. They produce tons of leaves and branches per acre that ….wait for it….ROT! which are NOT produced by underwater places. Underwater places produce plants and animals that die also and rot as well, which makes that reservoir the SAME as the vast number of lakes in Quebec. (And I mean VAST number of lakes!). But the most hot gas of all comes from environmentalist hysteria mongers.

  5. You're missing a whole syllable. It's not "man a koo gan" it's "man i' ko og an"… you only need to ask a local and they'll pronounce it correctly.

  6. I was at Manic 5 in 2015. I Camped 5 min from the Gas Station. As I used this Road to drive the T.L.H.W. My Wife and have been to Waskaganish. Twice. They are Great People. We would Love to go back up again some Day.

  7. Nice Video. I am very familiar with the Manicouagan river, having been born and brought up in the area. I don't mean to be critical but the pronunciation is Manny-kwah'-guhn, (accent on the second syllable.) But don't feel bad, you pronounced it as almost everyone else does. I worked on the first dam as a student back in the early 50's (I'm 85 years old.) Back then it was known as the McCormack dam near Baie Comeau. On your trip you may have seen it. In any case I enjoyed your video. It brought back so many happy days of my youth.

  8. also, it's not a lake , it's a reservoir , ( man made ) just saying , you guys did like zero research didn't you ? LOL , still I'm glad you went and you are better humans for knowing all of this now .

  9. manic 5 has improved fishing , hunting and wildlife as a whole, the native people of the region never frequented that area until hydro quebec built a road there , the local natives are Montagnais , and they live and hunt near the st lawrence river along river edges connecting to the st lawrence

  10. though early impact from the James Bay project were horrible , since it's completion like Manicouagan , the regions fishing and hunting has explosed 5 times over , more fish more caribou then they know what to do with ..

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