March 26, 2025

VIDEO: GGC – 16 – A rainy start to the Trans-Labrador Highway

Part 13 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After a night in Labrador City, we woke up bright and early to get started on the ~1200km Trans-Labrador Highway. The day started out with grey skies and rain, but we made the best of it.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: GGC – 16 – A rainy start to the Trans-Labrador Highway

  1. You might want to consider going a little easier on the quick cuts, it gets kind of hard to watch the video with all the frame jumps. Have a good one. 🙂

  2. How many cut edits were there in the first 90 seconds. LOL Good job guys. My grandfather always said if you want to know what the weather is like…..stick your head out the window. Hahahah What a drive guys. So awesome!

  3. you too are so darn cute together! It is a pleasure to watch your adventures.
    you might notice that I am commenting on an older video, but I have watched the recent ones and now going back and enjoying the older ones….

  4. Hope that the Red Bay to Happy Valley – Goose Bay section of the Trans Labrador Highway is eventually paved so I can drive to Central Labrador.

    When I drove to Southern Labrador and Quebec's Lower North Shore for my Summer Vacation in 2012, I only went as far as Red Bay. Back in 2012, the Red Bay to Happy Valley – Goose Bay section was a gravel road. Might be different now that Red Bay to Lodge Bay or Cartwright Junction section are in the process of being paved.

    A highway from Happy Valley – Goose Bay to Makkovik, Nain, and Torngat Mountains National Park is a great idea as well.

  5. Fun video, you guys. Where in northern Canada did you travel when you referred to "barrens but with no trees?"

    My family and I just completed a month-long camping trip (tents) going around the big loop…we had to stop and see everything, including the 5-day ferry trip from Goose Bay to Nain and return, and three days in Battle Harbor. I thought Labrador coast was other worldy gorgeous. It was an iceberg parking lot out there. In northern Newfoundland and south-east Labrador saw whales of every type so think you could have walked from island to island on their backs. OK, not quite, but it was amazing. Favorite established campground was Pinware River…nicely maintained on a beautiful sand beach at mouth of Pinware River.

    The roads were better than expected. The dirt roads in Labrador were very well maintained. Route 389 in Quebec was tedious…but occasionally gorgeous!

    The downside was that it was a prolific bug season. We had good head nets. The bugs were active anytime the temp was above 50 or 55 degrees.

    In all, I miss this trip tremendously. The people in Newfoundland and Labrador could not be more supurb.

  6. hey guys. so i am planning on doing the trans labrador highway in a week. did places along the road take credit or was it all cash? credit cards accepted at gas stations? how did this work….

  7. Newfoundland should have called the land Vineland , because this is where the vikings landed first , never settled but traded with the natives along it's shores for over 400 years

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