March 16, 2025

VIDEO: How to Ripen Green Tomatoes

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At this time of year many gardeners wonder if their green tomatoes will ever ripen. Fortunately there are some simple techniques that can help.

When temperatures begin to drop, tomatoes stop ripening so it’s time to take action! Fruits can be brought inside or whole plants can be hung up to encourage the fruits to continue to ripen.

In this short video we show you how to ripen your green tomatoes both on and off the vine to ensure you don’t waste any of your harvest at the end of the season.

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Ripen Green Tomatoes

  1. Hi there, please do you know if I can possibly use green tomatoes for their seeds to grow next year, as all I have is green tomatoes,
    can I ripen them and then use the seeds next year or should I just go straight ahead and do the as seeds whilst still green?
    Reason being is that I used the seeds this year and lost the packet they came, so have no knowing which they are from but because they produced so well would to give them another go.
    Because of the virus in the earlier part of the year, I was delayed in my growing.
    I see you produced this video way back in 2015, thank you for doing such a good job of collecting 496,402 views
    and hope to hear from you.

  2. My husband cut off twenty tomato plants and hung them upside down in the basement (he left the foliage on) they have been ripening beautifully and they taste great! I have canned 21 extra quarts of tomatoes and will process another 14 quarts of of them by the time that they are all ripened, plus some pints of salsa. This is great to know if you live in a northern climate. I have pictures on Facebook.

  3. This is great thanks. I have 10 plants still going strong and the temp appears to be stable above 10 for at least another week here in Surrey. Can't believe how much they've cropped, had a punnet every day for months

  4. Thank you for the methods. One of my methods is to put branches with green tomatoes in water indoors. I remove most leaves and all flowers to give the green tomatoes the priority. It's similar to rooting a cutting, but there are green tomatoes on the cutting. Sometimes it worked very well — the branches grew roots and the fruits got mature at the same time. I am still trying to get more consistent results. Sometimes a branch in the water would not last long and die after a few days. Anyone has some idea about this?

  5. I can see some comments are over 5yrs old so at the risk of you changing professions or..the thought just hit me, you will probably be getting comments long after you have departed and you may well be fertilizing veg like tomatoes!!! Let's hope you are still around now. Ok my tomatoes are in 12" square pots and are small like cherries, what did I do wrong in your opinion. I gave them banana juice and blended eggshells but no good. Is there a way I can show you a photo?

  6. Thank you for this. We have a lot of tomatoes growing but if I leave them long enough to ripen on the vine, animals get to them or they become diseased. I was hoping there was a method to pick them while green so they can finish ripening in the house

  7. Its 5 Oct and most of my tomatoes just never turned red. Not sure why. I'll be pulling them up today and hanging them in the garage from the rafters. A few will go in paper bags on top of the fridge. I hope this works!

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