June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Soil & Diverse Cover Crops Part 3 Ecology

Conservation Agronomist, Ray Archuleta with the National Resources Conservation Service presents this workshop on the use of diverse cover crops to build life and fertility in the soil. Produce abundant yields while implementing the best organic and sustainable methods of establishing and maintaining maximum biology. Build aggregates and grow your best crops year after year with the strong foundation of these soil health principles.

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Soil & Diverse Cover Crops Part 3 Ecology

  1. Thank you so much for presenting your series and for posting them free of charge on the web. Your systems presented in these videos are truly looking to complete cycles in nature and working with natural systems to create the best environment not only for plants, farm animals and, soils, but also for the rest of the planet, air quality and all of life–truly making our world sustainable. I posted this video on my facebook page and asked my friends to watch it. None are farmers, but many are interested in ecology.

    I wish that you (Ray, Gabe, and other presenters) could be on Oprah and tell your stories and share your knowledge–now that could bring change about not only in public opinion, but possibly expedite a global shift in farming/ranching practices exponentially faster for good.

  2. Why… WHY does this guy know the FACTS about cause/effect with soil health /fruitful crops AND our government wants to TAX us for carbon depletion YET makes universities teach falsehood – furthering the corruption of the soil and fine those who want to do it right…. because the government is in it for the money…. killing our earth, causing calamity…. for profit…. completely makes me lose faith in the education system

  3. Non point agriculture pollution is acidifying the ocean and affecting its CO2 sequester ability. Our depletion of our topsoil is bringing an end to the current global empire as it has to all past empires.

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