Part 25 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After leaving Deer Lake, we ended up having some engine trouble. Plus, we continued to see road side gardens and wood piles. We even got up close and personal with a huge moose, and finally made it to the St. John’s Walmart for some rest.
VIDEO: GGC – 29 – Spark Plug Problems, Moose Encounters, and Roadside Gardens
Part 25 of our road trip across Northern Quebec and Eastern Canada. After leaving Deer Lake, we ended up having some engine trouble. Plus, we continued to see road side gardens and wood piles. We even got up close and personal with a huge moose, and finally made it to the St. John’s Walmart for some rest.
Cant wait to see the sunrise, sure was a beautiful sunset. Be careful with those long-legged moose. Again thanks for sharing!
Good idea to change all sparkplugs, wires and distributor cap…with the best you can afford… And don't forget fuel treatments…
Oh and air cleaner…
glad you made it to St. Johns without Mrs. Moose sitting in the cab with you both; beautiful country up there!
In the middle of nowhere and there's a walmart go figure. Glad to see you inside when the moose where there. I saw a lady at rocky mountain national park taking pics at only 20 yards, get charged by a bull moose. luckily she made it to her car in time. But she had some body damage she was going to have to explain to her cars insurance company.
Be safe Peace
: ) hitting them won't be anything like hitting a deer! or them hitting you! : ) need a tune up! : )
Absolutely if you plug wires are that bad they all need changing. Don't forget to do the plugs too and the other things mentioned by commenters. Easy peasy , and as they say well worth it
Change all of the wires, a whole set. Too many weak wires will cause your ignition to shut down all of a sudden by burning a hole through the rotor.
It's nice to see videos of this part of Canada. I look forward to more!
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
Having trouble on the road sucks at least it's a simple fix, as a couple other people commented change the spark plugs also and maybe the distributor cap and rotor nothing you cant handle
a travel tip for you would be keep a couple of the longer wires and a couple of the better looking old plugs and in a out of the way place in your van in case you ever have a problem in the middle of nowhere. Great moose footage!
it sure would be nice if everyone could live like that
Great footage of the Moose crossing the road. Looking forward to the sunrise pics
She (?) looks like a not-so-pretty horse with that long face…. and a beautiful, shy moose.
Hooray for WalMart!
Wow four moose made 120,000 offspring?!? I'm sorry you had to make another repair, but I found it interesting. Engine function is a mystery to me, so that was cool to see a spark plug actually "sparking". You make it seem so easy to spot the repair and know how to do it. I'm jealous of that! Also, I'm so glad you guys are still doing the map views, that makes it so much easier to place where in the planet you are to those of us who've never been there. Awesome as ususal!
Im glad you make these repair videos. Teaches me what to do when I buy an old Class B.
Great video what a trip…Thank you for sharing your adventures
Great vids!
In regard to the firewood…the guys/gals cut wood during the winter "back in the country" and tow it out to the roadside with snowmobile/sleigh, leave it there for the summer to dry and load it aboard their pick-ups in the Fall to bring home.
No need to clutter the backyard with firewood all summer! ;)))
Change all your plug wires, cap and rotor, and while your at it if you haven't done it in awhile change your fuel filter. Happy Trails.
I've saw a Moose back in the early 80s, I was in a Plymouth TC3, omg, we were able to stop… Those are Very detrimentle to any vehicle…
1 Jackass doesnt like this video = Glad I dont know'em!!
really cool, can't wait to be out there next season
I salute your innate ability to find the problems that crop up on your aging RV! I probably would have fooled around forever before finding that wayward spark! Kudos, for the quick find & fix. Part of what I enjoy, watching these vids of yours!
What a pleasure to watch your videos, I just retired last year and I recently bought a 1992 dodge camper van, hope to see the western USA. I have a question, how do you keep condensation off your windows when it's cold outside and warm inside? You had one video where you were sitting in front seats and you windshield was nice and dry.
Nice video Do they cull that Moose to keep it helthy
The Exhaust fumes help plants grow.
We were on a wonderful bus tour through Nfld. in 2009. Every day we had a local person on the bus with us. In the early days, all travel was by boat. We were told that the gardens along the highway were put in when the highway went through. A lot of dirt was brought in for the highway and the locals made good use of the leftover dirt for gardens. No one would think of taking something from a neighbour's garden. Newfoundlanders are very trusting and that's why their gardens were put right along the highway.
Hey been watching your Labrador/NF videos. Can we get a tour, I may have missed it, of your van? Curious about bathroom accommodations or lack thereof. I know you shower and launder where you can. But daily personal effluent seems to be a mystery. I will be doing a similar trip and don't expect my girl to poo in the woods