March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #1

This is #1 of a 12 Part GARDEN Series that will help you understand the PRO’S & CON’S of Back to Eden deep mulch gardening 101 method with wood chips to composting just Fall leaves. Great start for beginners Tour our secrets for organic gardening vegetables 101 documentary with pest control..

LINK Part 2 :

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #1

  1. Question: I gathered huge quantities of leaves and fresh green grass clippings and put them through a chipper/shredder. The only thing in my raised beds (12×3 x 12")is this finely chipped combination. Will I be able to plant in this next spring or should I let it set a whole year?

  2. the thing will be, that both are almost the same, just that leaves decompose quicker, and don't have so much watter holding capabilities as woodchips.
    Speaking of wood chips, are this with leaves and pines, or just wood?

  3. Hey looking forward to your results. I experimented with mulch after 1 season compared to 3 seasons and the results were night and day it takes over 2 years for mulch to break down enough to feed at root depth. I would guess leaves leach nutrients down to root depth sooner so your results may show leaves taking the lead at first but much is just holding out for the grand finale. I would assume both hold moisture well.

  4. I've got the both of your competitors in my garden at present. Last May I started with wood chip, but having some difficulty getting good, available sources of chip to get to the proper depth, we finally gathered almost 300 large bags of leaves from the local town this fall and placed these on top of the chips~just trying to get a good depth for proper composting~ and then placed just leaves alone in the orchard. Will be eager to see how all this works to improve my heavy, acid, clay soil. I'll be watching your experiment with some anticipation.

  5. Thank you for your experimental processes; I follow you and look forward to the longitudinal studies results. Thank you for the equipment and supplies lists.

  6. I love this series. I've learned a lot from this. I'm going to go get some fall leaves this year and put them in. I've watched almost all of them. Thank you for doing tgis.

  7. As a horticulturist I've listened to a lot of lectures on soil, this is one of the best and most easily understood I think I,'v listened t. Well done keep up the good presentation.

  8. We have such a hard time finding wood chips! I’ve called tons of places, am always searching Craigslist. But we have tons and tons of leaves so this year we are going with the leaf mould and as we clear out land for our orchard we will make our own wood chils

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