June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Back to Eden Method start a Organic Gardening 101 Improve Soil with Wood Chips Garden Series Pt 1

Part 1 of 12 – Back to Eden Start a Organic Gardening Method Soil 101 improvement with wood chips Garden Series Part 1. Growing/building healthy soil. PLANTING NEW Peach Trees. Deep mulch gardening like Paul Gautschi.

Both apples and peaches bare root trees come from: https://www.groworganic.com

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Back to Eden Method start a Organic Gardening 101 Improve Soil with Wood Chips Garden Series Pt 1

  1. Happy New Year professor Mark! Thanks for starting the year off with another informative and always interesting video. You are the best, man and I look forward to every video you do. So glad you took the time out to post today. Looking very much forward to another great year of videos from you and growing as a gardener along with you. All the best to you and the boys in 2017 and beyond!

  2. Thanks, Mark…more great info. So, what would you say, a living root such as your peach trees, one for every 100 sq ft of soil would suffice?
    Thanks, again Mark and Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year's to you and your son. I was just getting ready to lay down the cardboard first then the woodchips, but after listening to you I'm going to rethink that and go with just the woodchips. Thanks for your help and support with your videos.

  4. Hi Mark, thank you for another excellent video. I have a question about cover crops (like your winter rye) – are these used instead of wood chips? What do you do when you want to plant your food crop – do you till cover crop back into the soil? Many Thanks and Happy New Year to you!

  5. I recently got a grafted bareroot peach tree in exactly the same box! Deja vu. I'm slowly planting trees or shrubs in every bed of my allotment, at least one per bed. And I'll be growing melons and other vines in the same bed as the peach tree. Your lessons are clearly sinking in! It's nigh-impossible to get free/cheap woodchips where I am anymore, so I've joined a local woodland trust who are very happy to give me brash from clearances.

  6. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of keeping roots growing in the ground for fertility instead of relying on compost and fertilizer. I have an urban garden but am able to grow several varieties of dwarf asian pears, peach, apple, cherry, and plum, as well as perennial fruits such as grapes, raspberries and blueberries. Because of the healthy root system of these plants and many other perennial herbs and plants such as comfrey I can grow many healthy crops near the base of these plants without ever disturbing the main plants' roots. Excellent video.

  7. I spent the day, today watching the whole back to eden vs fall leaves series. Wow.. you have done an outstanding job explaining the importance of soil biology and soil health. I'm so thankful for your hard work and making all those videos. You gadgets and props to demonstrate everything is awesome. Keep up the great work. You got is growin on my friend.

  8. Hi Mark,
    One more fruit tree question. Do I have to plant more than 1 of the same species for pollination purposes? I only have space in my backyard for 2 fruit trees and wanted to do 1 apple and 1 peach. Would this work, or do they both have to be the same species?

  9. Hi I dont have a good local source of wood chips but can get fairly fine sized bark instead. Will that do the same thing? I have found that the local recycling station allows people to dump there garden waste and there are huge berms of varying stages of decomposition that you can take from for free. The oldest one looks vary aged and black almost like compost but still has some sticks and twigs etc. The local nursery said to be careful of oxalis weed though. Could I re-compost this material with added green to reheat it? I might get a small bag of the stuff put it in a seed tray, water it and see what comes up. Then I might know what I am dealing with.

  10. Can you tell me, I am just starting out and I have a garden area that has flowers and I want to have bigger flowers. I have been the traditional gardener up to recent. It has bark on top of soil which is really just clay. what can I do to get started? Will I need to remove the wood chips or can I just add soil, compost, or something else?

  11. Hey, great videos.

    One thing I don't understand: Why kill all the existing plants in your field? Doesn't that kill the mycorrhizae too? Why not just mow or mulch the areas you want to plant into like you showed with your cover crops?

    Thanks and keep up the great work!

  12. Toward the end, around the 8:30 mark, you show us metal fence posts that you said you're going to use for a trellis. Are you going to use cattle panel to make your trellis? If you already have the trellis built and have pictures we would like to see them. Last year we had a trellis tied to posts that sagged and we were constantly propping it up so this year we're thinking about using cattle panels.

  13. Its not easy to get the kind of chips that is needed for this type of gardening. I did register for drops from tree services but never got any chip drops. How do you find the right wood chips. seems hard to come by.

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