March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Nectarine Growing & Fruit Damage By Pests

Here’s a look at one of our nectarine trees in season and the damage animals and other pests can do to the fruit.

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Nectarine Growing & Fruit Damage By Pests

  1. Oh my. With the rat problem I had when I lived in, Florida, I can sure relate to that. Those critters got to just about everything right before it ripened enough for me to want to eat. Ugh. I feel for you. I hope you can beat your critters at their own game.

  2. always learn something from your videos Mark. Thanks for taking the time to post them.
    8 inches of snow here in my area on Saturday. only thing growing here is some green beans under a light.
    I built a bookshelf with 100 year old barn wood. the bottom I made a 12 inch deep box and lined it with some pond liner and filled with dirt. the light hangs under the 1st book shelf.
    Have a Jesus filled day.
    Greg in Michigan

  3. Heya Mark ALways thought nectarines were a cross of a plum with a peach ? Might be wrong tho ;o)
    Great looking fruit btw, made my mouth watering almost heheh. STill somehow I prefer peaches, even if they are a bit messier to eat.
    Cheers !

  4. Haha – you're a little bit different Mark ;-). My daughter won't eat peaches unless they're peeled (I'm not peeling them btw). Great looking production from such a small tree – mine was all blossom and no fruit this year but it might be a season behind yours (same variety though – tropical). Do you net them after flowering mate? Figuring you want to remove them after fruiting and would want the bees for pollination in spring.

  5. I prefer Nectarines because I don't like peach fuzz. The Australian draught was featured on our news this morning. Is it affecting you at all I noticed that it still looks nice and green in your video,

  6. My Nectarines always get stolen by Possums. I put a bird netting on my peach as I nearly lost most of my nectarines. Apparently this area in Melbourne has bad possum problems. Don't your donut peaches and nectarines get stolen by them?

  7. WHAT?! Tropical Nectarine is a thing??? It's my second favorite fruit and I'd love to grow it at my home in Martinique If they can handle the climat, I did a quick research but can't find anything. When I'll be ready would you be so kind to mail be a stone?

  8. This is just superb, I been tryin to find out about "what vitamins and minerals are in nectarines?" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Giyaarter Unflappable Gratification – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a great exclusive product for learning what to eat to balance hormones and eliminating trouble fat spots minus the hard work. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my m8 got amazing success with it.

  9. My neighbor's nectarine tree (planted directly against the shared property line) deposits 30 or more "gifts" per day. The neighbor says we can keep and eat them. Nice? No. A) they're full of holes, soft, discolored B) my roommate's truck has decorated 75 percent of the driveway with various non-edible fluids D) most of the time there is a vehicle parked exactly where they fall. Whenever that spot is freed up, I collect them and toss them back in their yard. I know it's not the right thing to do, but I figure it's okay morally/ethically, because they forget to attach the clipper-collection-thingie for their lawnmower. Every time they mow. Guess who cleans up my driveway and the sidewalk? It's me. Every time……….RANT OVER. I now see why the tree is dropping fruit.

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