July 2, 2024

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a refugee out of my hat!

  1. Unbelievable isn't it, I really don't know what the answer to the refugee problem is, it must be terrible that you have to flee the country of your birth so you have to feel for them. However I do think there needs to be more planning if they are coming to Europe, I live in a very rural area with little work and noticed only the other day a group of refugees that had been relocated about half an hour from us. just stood aimlessly by the roadside.

  2. Yikes, the present circumstances only present a possibility for danger in the future. But what I don't get is why do the governments give them handouts? Isn't it better to teach a person to fish instead of giving him the fish? Uprated, thanks for sharing your thoughts Jay! Stay safe bro.

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