March 27, 2025

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2015 Food Forest

  1. Ha How have you bin ? you got a green house now , now you can start some of your own grapes from the pruning s, it is easy! gave a lot away again this year , or you can air layer and get some full sized plants that will bear the first year

  2. I love following your food forest. Isn't it amazing how fast the fruit trees have grown. They look beautiful. What were your top 3 successes in the food forest? What was the most disappointing? What are a few of the things you are going to do differently in 2016? Thanks for sharing, James? I look forward to next years FOOD FOREST.

  3. Hi James, How many years ago did you plant the trees that you are getting fruit on? I planted some apple trees three years ago, and I have not seen an apple yet. I just ordered some pear trees to plant this year, and after ordering I realized that it says they will not fruit for 4 to 6 years… We planted tons of grapes also, two years ago. I hope they soon look as good as yours. They have not given any fruit either.

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