March 6, 2025

VIDEO: Honey Cinnamon Butter~Texas Roadhouse Style!

A delicious, sweet butter for any occasion that everyone will absolutely love! So easy to make and so wonderful to have! Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Honey Cinnamon Butter~Texas Roadhouse Style!

  1. I am wanting to try my hands at new things and I am going to be learning how to can jams/jellies. This is probably a very dumb question, but I am clueless to what I am jumping in to here. Is this something that can be canned and stored on a shelf?

  2. Your recipe looks and sounds delicious. I will be trying this recipe tomorrow (Sunday) 10 18 2020, to taste the results. If it turns out as good as expected, this will be added to my "special recipes" for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Thank you for sharing your recipes, which looks and sounds like it's better than any other recipe I've searched for. I'll get back to you to let you know how mine turned out. Again, thank you for your recipe.

  3. Mine didn’t have the same constituency ,I used everything you did,maybe it was the type of butter.Mine was kinda watery,not thick at all.what did I do tasted good though

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