Unfortunately, here, I am very much “under the weather.” However, I am trying to stabilize my condition and start improving. Here are some of the things I do or am doing that I know are a tremendous help to me and my family! This is just a guide to some ideas and remedies. Always do your own homework and what is best for you! Stay well, my friends! Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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For me I have always found lemon, ginger, honey made into a tea has worked for me. I deal with the public so am exposed a lot. usually I make it in the morning,
Today I will make it before going to work. I use organic ginger grown in north america, the chinese ginger is so weak. For the ginger I grate a about an inch then cut a couple of slivers and let everything steep for about 10 minutes then drink, With the honey I use local raw.
Hope you guys feel better soon Looks like you have a great natural arsenal
Feel better.
If at all possible folks should use local organic honey from someone reputable. To many honey's are from China and have some corn syrup as do some American honey that are cheap.
re: cinnamon, it can also control blood sugar. I was diagnosed as diabetic over a year ago, and spent a week in the hospital doing the whole insulin injection thing. After I was discharged, I did a LOT of research and decided to manage my diabetes with diet changes and herbs, namely cinnamon and turmeric. So almost 2 years later, I am now NOT diabetic and I've lost 200-plus pounds. (Yes, 200.) Herbs are a very powerful tool for ANYbody!
just hope you feel better soon God bless
1 1/2 tsp sea salt, 2 tsp ground cayenne, grind together in a mortar until fine this holds it in suspension better. In a pint mason jar pour the salt and cayenne and then add 1 c boiling water. Stir. Then add 1 c cider vinegar, stir. Sip as needed for sore throat, colds, flu. From Dian Dincin Buchman's Herbal Medicine, which I recommend highly. This remedy won't hurt you and may help you. I've found nothing better for sore throats, in particular and colds, flu, etc in general.
And thank you for yours I will try them.
Feel better, prayers for you and your family.
get well soon Patara!
This is the second time this year I've gotten it, got over it for a few weeks then got it again, I think because I wasn't eating or sleeping good because of Christmas. But I beat it last time with Chai tea with honey and chicken soup and emergen C. So starting on that again, how funny about the honey causing you to sweat, I made my Chai tea this afternoon with a bunch of honey this time and a piece of ginger in it and laid down for a bit and woke up with my head soaked! But I did finally rest a tiny bit, now I need to do that again so I can really sleep. Hope you get better soon!
I love using herbs. One of my favorite recipes is for indegestion, stomach gas and I even used it once for relief after overeating. My neighbor who was pregnant and had horrible morning sickness swore by it. I call it Tummy Tea. It's equal parts (by measure not weight) calendula, chamomile and peppermint. You can sweeten to taste with your sweetener of choice.
And tincture! I have both I would mail them to you!
Two words….Colloidal Silver
By far the best thing I have ever discovered thanks to youtube. I make it myself, really easy, put it into a saline eye dropper bottle for when I feel something coming, usually in my sinuses. A few drops into each nostril lying down, and then a few more and I do a quick breath in through my nose. 3-5 times within 24 hours is sufficient. Can't remember the last cold I have had. It can be used to clear up infections too. Drinking it upsets my gut flora like antibiotics though. I'm sure there are many natural products that can be useful for fighting and preventing colds and/or the flu but I prefer colloidal silver.
how much do you take of the honey, cinn, ? stuff?
Can't live without my Neilmed bottle.
Love Appalachia's Homestead! My wife and I sat through a AH marathon last Sunday. I watch AH videos as well as others quite much. I do have a problem with SOME of the content of this particular video. I know this not a debate site nor do I intend to make it one, but as Patara said, this is important. I see and hear far too much "self' in this ideology. Please afford me an explanation. First, I am a 59 yr. old reformed pastor, grandfather of 8, ex-Marine (If ex is possible lol) and very engaged and involved. Point: Had our founders ran to hills, we would all be speaking with a British accent. Had our forefathers retreated from the culture, we would be speaking German. Take a look at "Saving Private Ryan" (movie) This movie was so authentic, many WWII vets could not get through the beginning of the movie, but left the theater. Throughout the course of American history, our forefolks had the moxxy to stand and fight, to engage tyranny, to die and/or kill ..for whom? Not themselves, but their posterity. Our children! How do we use the word "Tyrants" in the same sentence as "call your representatives? Tyrants don't care about your calls, your petitions or your letters. Please hear this>. Those that vote for a living now outnumber those that work for a living!! BTW, my wife and I are headed to homesteading, but when the bugle sounds, I will kiss my wife goodbye, walk down the hill with my musket in hand to meet my comrades in arms, to engage tyranny with the hopes of handing my grandchildren a like country of the one my father handed me. BTW, he was one of those that stormed the beaches in the South Pacific….not so we would retreat generations later. <3
I love sinus rinses! I rinse at least one a day, usually in the morning. If I get sick, or get allergies, I do it up to six times a day. You just have to make sure you never force it in, and don't blow it out too hard. If you're clogged up, just let it go in a little and come right back out. By the end of the bottle, you're usually through. I used to have bad sinus infections all the time. Not any more!!
if u have an elderberry on ur property they will spread and replenish themselves a medicine chest in uf backyard