December 22, 2024

18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Shopping For Seeds – Allotment Grow How

  1. Great choice of seeds. I am like a child in a sweet shop, when I'm around plants and seeds for sale! Weather where you are? Wet I can imagine like all the rest of us, but spring IS on its way! Looking forward to see how you do with all those seeds! Stay safe, till next time.

  2. ugh… i'm so jealous of English garden centres. Here in holland you have to buy pretty much all your seeds, sets and starts online because garden centres here have maybe 1 seed rack in early spring, the seeds and sets and starts arn't even in there yet!! Maybe a couple of leftovers on a rack right now from last year but that's all there is. Absolutely CLUELESS these folks. They have no idea that most serious vegetable gardeners already have all their seed orders in, garden planners made and sets ready to get potted up before newyear, NOT halfway spring.I'd love to just walk into a garden centre here in fall and suddenly find onion and garlic sets… not going to happen. Clueless….

  3. That was a brilliant video was really nice looking around your local GC looks like it is a good one, great choice of seeds, nice to see you picking them out – need to get beetroot seeds, never seen that compost looks great with feed will have to look out for it  – thanks for the video

  4. Bud…the only thing we have around here is snow.  Most stores wont even put out their seed displays for another five weeks or so.  Potato seeds…lmao…if we're lucky mid April.  I did get a few Italian seeds in today.  One tomato & one "frying" pepper.  Thanx for the vid.  Keep `em coming.  Randy

  5. Well presented as expected, we did our garden centre shop last week where we bought seeds and potatoes. As you did for onions we did for potatoes, fill a bag for £4.50 two snags, no Sarpo Mira and looking for Levingtons F2 + S compost as recommended by MuddyBoots they had no idea what I was talking about. On the way back from the Big Smoke yesterday called in at every garden centre on the way bought Sarpo Mira from an arm and a leg and compost which was Westland seed compost which cost another leg which means today I am arseing around till I grow another one.
    Cheers Mike B (nice looking guitars in the background)

  6. Don't forget to check out your 99p and poundland stores if you have them in your area. I get all my boxes of bonemeal, blood fish and bone, potato fertiliser plus dahlias and seeds (3 packets for £1 or 99p) veg and flowers. Oh yes and birdseed too. Worth a visit. Great success with it too.

  7. Grow sweetcorn in root trainers. Only been growing them 3 yrs running and well worth it. You may have to buy a larger 2nd freezer though as harvested loads of cobs. Grows well in Southampton uk

  8. Nice haul. What variety of Sweetcorn was that? I tried one last year and didn't do so well with it so looking for another variety for this year. I hadn't heard of that compost, but will keep it in mind. Many thanks for all the tips mate. All the best.

  9. You're very lucky, I have never been any place where there were so many seed selections. I would go absolutely crazy in there. Here in the States (Georgia) we have the big box store that put out seeds but not like that.  Looking forward to see your gardening in 2016. New Sub – Thanks for sharing T

  10. Wow. So jealous that you have flowers in the nurseries now. I went to the local Home Depot and there wasn't anything there but cedar trees. Can't wait to get some ready made plants. I'm well stocked in seeds already. Looks like you have made some really nice choices. Never heard of that type of corn. I'll be interested in seeing if it is a winner for you

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