June 7, 2024

VIDEO: Is Homemade Chicken Scratch Cheaper?

Is making your own chicken scratch really cheaper? Is it better? Well, let’s take a look at what I found.
Enjoy and thanks for watching!
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is Homemade Chicken Scratch Cheaper?

  1. Enjoyed the video. We also mix our feed for our girls. I use to give them kelp got it from Amazon and then they started charging for shipping of 8.00 so we stopped due to the higher cost. Where do you get you kelp from i never could find another place to purchase it from? Sure would like to start adding it again.

  2. Great info! Didn't take me long to see that it wasn't cheaper in my area. We give scratch first thing morning, laying pellets are out all day, out to free range 2pm. and their wonderful sunflower treat is given out  each evening a hour or two before dark then back to the henhouse. Talk about spoiled. Nothing like having  30+ chickens gather around the deck for that afternoon snack. I also treat with flax seeds.

  3. you would have to know the percentages of each ingredient in the bag of scratch to compare the prices of mixing your own. you are comparing the price of one 50 lb bag to 75 lbs of ingredients without knowing how much of each you need to duplicate the premixed bag of scratch.

  4. I'm blessed here in Idaho, I can get those 3 grains $20.00 for 150 lbs which is 7.5 cents a pound vs. $14.00 for a 50 lb bag at the feed store which is .28 cents a lb. good video thank you.

  5. is that per pound? You really need to break it down to a common denominator in my opinion. Im not sure if its cheaper, but I was curious if you broke it down to whats the costs of a per pound pre mixed verse your mix per pound. I find alot of times the premixed doesnt come in 50lb bags in my area. Bulk barn is good choice for alot of this I find.

  6. curious, how much DE do you use? is there a ratio?> I found my hens didnt like the DE until I took the mixed amount and spread it out over other pails to knock the % of DE down

  7. I don't think this is right. The ready mix will not have equal thirds. Milo content will be low. you would need to know the compo. also quality will be greater, therefore they will eat less of it.

  8. I buy oat groats, for me and my girls. I have an attachment for my kitchen aide mixer that makes my oatmeal out of the oat groats. I cook/eat mine. My girls, well they get them raw in their feed mix I make up. They like their oatmeal too. I have a hand grinder to crack whole corn for them. I have an electric mill that converts my grains to flour for my cooking/baking.

  9. I sprout the BOSS and give it to my girls and they go crazy for it! Takes me a few more steps to sprout but I know I get quite a bit more weight out of each seed with only the addition of water. People say that sprouting also makes the nutrients more digestible or available to the chickens.

  10. I’m looking to move to Tennessee to retire. I want to raise a few chickens and a few other things. Nothing too large scale. Knowing what you know. What area would you move to? And do you get the same amount of cold weather days as Kentucky or Missouri? Any input would be helpful

  11. I'm in Central Texas, my chickens won't eat the milo in the pre-mixed, each spring/summer I have a big crop of milo come up that I have go go into the chicken yard and mow down, so think this tutorial is great, thanks.

  12. If you buy a bag of the black oil sunflower seeds and plant the seeds will they grow? I know some seeds you buy won't come up if you plant them. Thank you very much for posting this. I have been watching your videos and seeing how you care for your animals and garden and have been learning new things. I know each person learns when things succeed and when do not. It's a learning curve and that is how we learn. I'm moving from Texas to Oklahoma and need to research the land, wildlife and the soil. I know things are much greener there and would like to be self sefficient. I have a caner and jars and have been working on my pantry. I won't have a garden till I'm fully moved but it's on my mind. I would like to see the land and how the rain flows so it's not a mud hole or swamp in my garden.

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