December 3, 2024

VIDEO: Diverse Cover Crops at North Mills River Farm

See the process of our initial growth of diverse cover crops at the beautiful North Mills River Living Web Farm. Hear the steps and description of the farm from Marshall Hagan as we make the first plantings to build biomass and fertility in the soil. Conservation Agronomist Ray Archuleta with NRCS describes why cover crops are so vital and Mark Dempsey tells us how we are utilizing cover crops to smother out mugwort in a section of the farm.

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Diverse Cover Crops at North Mills River Farm

  1. I have so much respect for these hardworking farmers who work so hard to even make a profit farming, going out and doing THIS. The fate of the planet is not in the hands of billionairs and scientists. It's the farmers who will restore her to her natural balance. I just do a small garden because i don't trust the stuff in the store anymore and i can't eat it because it smells and tastes vile. Cherry tomatoes that smell like there is a dead mouse packaged in with it? I don't think so. And no, this was not a one time incident. Multiple times, multiple producers. I'm starving for good food, man! I'm litteraly starving in a mountain of produce. Nope, can't eat that… not that either… yeah, no, and that… On earth is wrong with this world.

    As soon as you've had homegrown, you can't go back. You'll happily starve before eating supermarket junk again but be sure i'm cheering at the sideline for all of you farmers who take the plunge and experiment to make it all better. This is deep end of the pool stuff. You are the REAL heroes. Mr & Ms Billionair could only dream to be so important to the world. Instead of stealing us blind and skimming the fat off the milk, you people actually make the world happen. Thank you. Love and indeed prosperity to all of you ENVIROMENTALLY RESPECTFUL farmers. Not the ones who just let the greatest topsoil on earth blow away with the wind, zero for you. None. Yes, I DO happily pay a premium for well produced food. Not a lot of choice yet, but i do buy.

  2. Thank you for explaining Mugwart. That's the mystery weed i brought to my garden last year:( It is fun to pull the roots as the rhizomes lye superficially, but it it hard to kill. I wonder if it is a good garden mulch since it is so persistent?

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