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Congratulations and thanks for sharing the great news!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Pssssssttt–girls can garden too lol!!!!!! (iK u know that hahaha!!!!) July baby lol, She will be inside the hotter it gets!!!
So excited for you both and the new little sprout!!
Congrats to both of you, as a father with a 3 year old who loves gardening as much of more than his daddy, its an amazing ride.
Congratulations!! God bless you both and your little one!
Holy cow how did I miss this!! Congrats you guys. I've got 4 kids and wouldn't change a thing. Congrats again !
Congratulations you guys!!!
Congratulations Luke and Sindy. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, life is grand!
Congrats, better be on the look out for some baby gumboots and a spade!
Congratulations! We are going to be grandparents for the first time in August, so we share your excitement
Very happy for you guys!
Talk about spring growing
Oh please let her do the talking. Let her do all the talking from now on
oh my gosh! how did I miss this?! Congratulations on your little garden princess!
Now that's one seed plant you can be proud of. Congrats.
Congratulations !!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS! So awesome, so blessed, so beautiful!
Good job buddy, I'm sure you'll be great parents. Doing practical things like gardening will keep her grounded and earth smart and impart wisdom lots of kids these days sadly don't have. Many people grow up superficial and materialistic and this tends to not lead to long term happiness.
Yaaayyy! Congrats!
Congratulations Luke and Sindy!!!!! I hope my second will be a girl! No matter what, Kids are a wonderful gift and will inspire and leave you in awe everyday. U will find out you are capable of amazing things. You two are beautiful together and I'm excited for you. Congrats again
How wonderful!! Congratulations and am so happy for you both! Take care & lots of love to you
Congrats guys! So exciting!!!
My suggested name is Rosemary Rose for short 
Love life, brother
Congratulations both of you
Love this so much ♡ I am jumping from video to video and am loving the random personal ones between learning how to garden. Cheers!!