September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Wild Fermentation Book Review

Another book review. Found this one a bit difficult to do. Good info in the book but the writing style was not one that appealed to me. It may appeal to you. One thing I forgot to mention is that he tries to bring in some political and social things using fermentation as allegory. Frankly, I did not appreciate that. In my opinion those items should be dealt with directly and up front.

5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Wild Fermentation Book Review

  1. I found the writing slightly irritating, but it wasn't a chore to go through. I have not read the whole book yet, but I looked over recipes and read the things I was most interested in at this time. I have to get some cabbage started, but gosh dangit I will have my own sauerkraut this year!! (I have tried two or three times and it keeps getting nasty moldy. Issue with the brine evaporating and me not catching it in time! To be fair, I wasn't allowed to keep it out where I would see it and remember to check on it. I had to keep it where I would forget about it!)

    That is a good tip actually. Remember if you don't have much brine when you make your kraut, you can always mix some up and add it. You want everything submerged at all times. That is where I have gone wrong.

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