September 20, 2024

VIDEO: Final Update on The Hydroponic Setup

Today we are looking at a final update of the hydroponic setup! We have enjoyed growing greens, and making delish salads all this winter! Check it out! What greens do you like to grow?
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Final Update on The Hydroponic Setup

  1. I'm new to your channel, so sorry if you already answered this, but could I do this exact setup, only in my greenhouse instead of using artificial lights? Live in northern California. Very little frost.

  2. The lettuce looks great. $125 is a great price for fixtures like that. I have a 4 bulb 4 ft fixture and it cost me $110. Enjoy all your videos, but especially the hydroponic ones. I decided to try out the Kratky lettuce (and my own little channel) after watching your hydro videos. Thanks!

  3. Hi there, nice video. I just saw one of your videos where you did some brix testing on your organic veggies. Would you mind shooting a vid on testing brix with hydroponic produce? I'm really inspired by the hydroponic concept but the more I do my research the more criticism I'm confronted with … not possible doing it organically, micro organisms in the soil do the important job in growing healthy plants, etc. You very often stress that you are growing organic food and so I would be greatful if you could please share your way of growing organic hydroponic plants. Thanks and please keep up with the great work!

  4. I want to do this…my basement looks just like you recommend the hydroponic way or the regular old soil way? ive watched both and I cannot decide. I know setting up the soil way seems easier but more work in maintaining and more money to grow as time goes on.

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