March 24, 2025

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Grapevine cuttings and Onions – Allotment Grow How

  1. Hi Adam. I love the way you present your video's! Your filming techniques are very good. I particularly like your filming of your walk to your Allotment. You should keep that in.! I will be keen to get the updates on your Grape Vine Cutting! If it works, I will try it! All the best, Adam, big thumbs up!

  2. Lovely filming as usual Adam. I didn't know you can feed onions with tomato feed so thanks for the tip. Nice paint work, reminds me I need to do mine this year but I would have to sand it as covered in flaky paint! Good luck with your onions and fingers crossed for your grape cuttings. Might make you a few bottles of wine in the years to come? Have a great week. Jazz.

  3. Great looking healthy Onions and shallots Adam. I have grown all my grapes from cuttings direct in the ground with a little bit of rooting powder at the tip of of the cutting.

  4. That's a creative idea to use the recycled glass. I've never bothered stripping the bark off for grapes but I do use a bit of hormone powder or gel – sometimes they'll strike rather easily without anything special at all simply bunged in a pot with soil. Cheers Adam 🙂

  5. I do like the way you tell the story. You say you don't like digging, as an apprentice the job I hated was creosoting and in those days it was real creosote the splashes would burn your skin. Diggings much better. I was sat there watching your video my wife walked past " what you laughing at she said" I am watching this bloke painting his shed and I thought this is like watching paint dry and as you walked past guess what he said? Cheers Mike B

  6. All you needed was a couple of used condoms and you could have passed your artwork off as one of Tracey Emin's. 😉 Don't feel bad about being late with the garlic and onions. After the start we had to year I reckon most people who planted early ended up having to plant again. I am realising how behind I am as I try and dig the ground but it isn't drying out quick enough, so progress is slow. Its going to be an interesting season. Great video as usual mate. All the best.

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