June 8, 2024

VIDEO: Planting Begonia Corms – Allotment Grow How

Today we show you how to plant Begonia Corms ready for a showy display in the summer.

Planting Begonia corms is very easy as this step by step video shows you. If you’ve never tried them now’s the time to have a go at growing begonias.

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8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Begonia Corms – Allotment Grow How

  1. I need to keep an eye on these.  If they're what they think they are…you and I are going to do a little horse trading the end of next winter.  I was wondering how those got planted.  Thanx for the vid bud.  You answered a few questions I had…

  2. Hi Adam, my wife is the Begonia chief at our house. She has a nice collection of corms since we came to East Sussex which she brings out from storage in mid Spring and re-pots up. We will go to the Garden center and see whats new to add to the ones we have. When they have finished flowering they are put away for next year. Oh yes baby corms appear underneath which also increases the stock. Take care Mike B

  3. Hi Adam, I too like begonias as you know, especially apricot shades which I put in my window boxes and hanging baskets. Look forward to the next video. Dave.

  4. So useful, thank you! "small hairy and brown" eyebrow up, LOL HAHAHAHa; truly, I am thrilled with anticipation for my incredibly fragrant and expensive mother's day begonia to return this year thanks to your fine guidance. Cheers!

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