March 26, 2025

VIDEO: First Spring Update

Spring is finally here which means its time to start getting some stuff in the ground. Plants in the greenhouse are doing well, and I need to transplant out some kale, so this is me doing some daily work.

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: First Spring Update

  1. The only things i would put out here now is onions and peas kale is tough also .but we are still getting frost and will till the middle of may , almonds are early my almond is starting to bloom . raspberry can also be propagated with root cuttings

  2. Good to see some green coming up! At my place, there is still plenty of snow covering the ground! ^-^' I hope your gardens grow well for you! Thanks for sharing your video with us!

    And Happy Easter!

  3. It's looking good. Fla garden looking good right now also. I'm hoping for cantaloupe this year. Thanks for sharing . Wish we could grow some of those trees but alas too far south.

  4. whoa. That's a lot of seedlings. I thought I had a lot. And you're putting out in March. I thought I was putting out early. Greenhouse looks good. Keep the updates coming.

  5. You can totally hand polinate something like those few blossoms easily. I think im going to do that for my stuff this year so I can have a guaranteed crop because last year I had loads of blossoms on my apple trees but only had 3 fruit actually make it.

  6. Looks FANTASTIC, James. You have a lot of transplanting to do. Are you feeding an army? :0) All the hard work you put into building the green house is REALLY, REALLY paying off for you. Great job, well done. I look forward to watching your gardening 'food forest' journey. Have fun my friend.

  7. I liked seeing you plant stuff, with the dog right there helping the whole way. An old friend showed me how to make biodegradeable seed starter cups with newspaper. I thought that was pretty cool.

  8. Hi James, what are you using for your seed starting soil?  Are you using your own compost? Decomposed mulch?  Have you ever bought/used mushroom soil?  I've used vermicompost with mixed results.  I often have issues with over/under watering when that is all I use especially since I have christmas lights on under them as a makeshift heatpad.  TONS of volunteer butternut squash.  Any advice would be most helpful, hoping to start my seedling within the next few weeks.

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