The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 at The Cumberland County Fairgrounds in Crossville, Tennessee! This is event is being brought to you by Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara! You will enjoy learning skills every homesteader should know with a focus on homesteading, heritage, and history! We have an incredible list of instructors in our lineup! For exclusive updates and announcements, please follow us at our Facebook page!
VIDEO: The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference~
The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 at The Cumberland County Fairgrounds in Crossville, Tennessee! This is event is being brought to you by Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara! You will enjoy learning skills every homesteader should know with a focus on homesteading, heritage, and history! We have an incredible list of instructors in our lineup! For exclusive updates and announcements, please follow us at our Facebook page!
on pins and needles waiting
See y'all Saturday!
My husdand and I are so excited, we're coming in on Thursday. We choose to stay in a cabin. I can't wait!!! I'm a kid in a candy store getting a piece of black licorice.
We want to eat in a local restaurants, which one do you recommend we should eat at on Thursday?
You know the links you put up…the only one that works is the ticket sales link?!
holy crap, just found your channel about a month ago… this is being held VERY CLOSE to where we live in cumberland co. super excited!!!
ps… tried the facebook links… neither work
darn! my husband and I are coming to look at farms to buy April 10-15. Next year! if you know of any farms for sale please respond!! love your videos from all of you!!!
Sarah from minnesota
Hey Mrs patara, I had set 24 eggs in the incubator on the 11th of this month unfortunately all of them were unfertile except one, I have 2 hens separate from the rest of the chickens,neither one is broody but do u think they would except the chick????
So wish I could go but hubby is starting a new job so I get to play with the bunnies that's all we got right now (live in town)
i am just so excited, can't wait to get there..
That was awesome I wish I could come so bad however I take care of a handicapped sister and my parents are aging and need care and we have pets and chickens so I hope you do a video so we can buy to take part in the conference
I'll be there.
So excited to see everyone and take some of the classes.
beautiful video!
Wife and I are excited to be going. I think she bought us tickets when they first came up for sale.
BONUS! 4 kids staying with Grandma. Our first getaway in years. And we will be staying in a cabin at one of the campgrounds.
Can't wait till Saturday!
Wish I could be there.
Hope you are able to make this an annual event. Unable to make it this year, but would love to try to make it next year if you have it!
Dang… wish I could be out there for it! Have fun:)
I wish I were there!
Loved the conference can't wait for next yeat