June 8, 2024

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pruning and bed prep getting started 2016

  1. Nice toy ๐Ÿ˜‰ My gojis are leafing up. Funny you should say about the mushroom compost I have a bed full I will show on my update I bought some brown compost mushrooms and put the caps around the bed I will explain on the post. I got NEW JOB ๐Ÿ˜‰ Start Monday.

  2. That is nice to have a pole saw. Glad your beds are getting rich in mycieium. The wood and leaves really help to get it going. I add grass clipping too. Oak leaves are the best.

  3. Noticed this upload ya did at the end of March and the difference of then with the recent upload of this week's is AMAZING, even though you say its been kinda slow, just goes to prove Jay, you've a green thumb for sure! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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