June 8, 2024

VIDEO: How To Start Rhubarb From Seed

Rhubarb is a plant that many gardenrs wish they could grow, and even
more of them overcomplicate how to grow it. In this tutorial we are
going to break down just how easy it is to grow from seed, and we will
be following up on it with a complete growing guide later on. What do
use your rhubarb for? Let us know!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Start Rhubarb From Seed

  1. I make rhubarb Gin !!!
    Which rhubarb variety should I grow for the most intense rhubarb flavor please ?
    (intensity of flavor is the most important thing .. but a strong red colour is also good)

  2. How to SAVE SEED from the Rhubarb Plant to propagate new plants from seed. Let the Rhubarb flower. Just wait for the seed stalks to bloom and pollinate, then allow the seeds to grow until the stalk dries out. You'll know that the seed is ready to harvest when you see it turn dark brown or you start to see fallen seeds on the leaves.
    Cut the stalks and brush the seeds off onto a cookie sheet for further drying, then package them up for storage in the fridge for safekeeping.

  3. Help ! I've tried rhubarb 2 years in a row. They start out looking GREAT. But, and this is the BIG BUT, once in my sandy soil they gradually die one at a time. They go from healthy and robust to pitiful and DEAD. I am in S.C. with an 8 month growing season and for some crops they go in the ground in January. Any thoughts. A side note, I went to buy seeds for my fall garden but everything that you talked about in your August planting video is sold out. Any estimated time for these seeds to be in ? Carrots, peas, radish etc. You are the GREATEST !

  4. Hey Luke, love your videos, theyre so informative and inspiring! I've had the same rhubarb plant for atleast 4 years now. And this year, I'm not quite sure why, but after first harvest (and after it flowered) the outer portions of the leaves are turning a deep red/red brown. I also live in upstate New York, I'm not sure if it's just the heat, or if it's more of a nutrient deficiency, if you have any thoughts, please let me know. I've watched some of your other common plant issue videos and I tried a few different things and hasnt seem to make a real change.

  5. I purchased Commercial Seed in Australia during a visit and will be planting shortly in Northern Israel.
    Lots of trial and error involved as it isn't a well known or grown item here…although during the time of the English it was.
    Thanks for the tips.

  6. I hardened off my rhubarb seedlings (from MIgardener Victoria Rhubarb seeds). I transplanted them outdoors in my raised beds this week, then we had a lot of rainy weather. I’m worried the seedlings will start to have root rot from all this rain. Is there any way to save them? Should I dig them up or just leave them alone and hope they weather the storm? Thanks!

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