I made a start on sowing some seeds and then went up to the plot to plant some potatoes and broad beans.
#propagators #plantingpotatoes #broadbeans
Here are the links to the two channels mentioned in the video:
Michael Brotherton – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqEi7lhxLzkZtdkuGp581w/videos
Allotment Journal – https://www.youtube.com/user/GrowingJournal
“Porch Blues” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Good camera angles for the potato planting, and nice to see you have gone old skool and put them in the ground
My rhubarb has just peaked from under the snow and I have covered them with some black pots to try and thaw the ground out and force them on a bit.
Hi Adam, nice Propagator, I like the high domes. Your broad beans looked great, and you got all your spuds in. Another couple of jobs ticked of your list! Nice update, thanks for it, my friend! Stay safe as always.
Fancy propagator! Very nice. You're doing so well. Don't get discouraged now! Still early spring. Happy gardening!
Good job! Good luck Mr!
Hi Adam, nice to see you again. I might try your method of growing beetroot but I will use a monogerm variety then there will be no need for thinning out .You know that there is a water butt at your sisters that you can add to the one's you already have then you will have a good supply of rain water. Call in the next time you are over. Dave.
lovely update thank you for sharing have a blessed day Adam plot looking good as always
love the cinematography
Another fantastic video Adam. Your broad beans are looking good. I have just planted mine out too, the slugs are already interested! Lovely shots and editing make your vids a treat for the eyes
I bet your camera is as filthy as mine! I am going to have to invest in a windowsill propagator at some stage, our windowsills are chaotic at the moment. Has yours got capillary matting on the base? Take care and enjoy the rest of your sowing, Jazz.
Hi, your allotment is starting to look good, nice propagators, thanks for the update.
That is a nice propagator. I look forward to your potato harvest. Mine will be going in the ground soon. Friday may be our last frost.
Great update Adam. Nice new posh heated prop you got yourself there mate
Thanks for the mention fella! Hope all goes well in the garden this year. Cheers. Chris.
Thanks for the shout appreciated. Pleased to see your seed planting started mine today indoors while we are experiencing some really crap weather. Good luck with the seeds Mike B
Well now you're well on your way, now that you have some "more" seeds sowed. Thanks for sharing, good luck and keep growing, T.
Cracking video Adam and well done for cracking 1000 subs. Very well deserved mate.
Thanks for the vid. I have a question on spacing broad beans. My packet (Bunyard's) says space 9" inches apart, I was hoping I could cheat and space them 6-7 inches so they fit in my raised bed? Would that be a bad idea, your beans look almost a foot apart. Thanks
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